Thursday, February 3, 2011

Building interactive BSP Application

This documents describes the How to handle Interactive reporting (Extension to BSP Application1 document).

Step1: Create the BSP Application ZBSP_TABLE_EXT and page name First.htm.

Step2: Provide the select-option on the screen.

Step3: when particular table row is selected then the corresponding detailed information should be displayed.To achieve this functionality, we have to select selectionMode, onRowSelection, keyColumn in tableview tag as shown.

Step4: Consider the Tableview event handler too along with Inputfield event handler in the EVENT HANDLER.

Step5: The code should be written as follows

The code in Layout is:

The code in the Event handler:

Here, row_key is a field in tv_data which contains the selected row value (Key value mentioned in the tableview).

Define the page attributes as below:

fs_vbak TYPE VBAK Sales Document: Header Data

it_kna1 TYPE TYPES_KNA1 Internal table to hold customer information

it_vbak TYPE TYPES_VBAK Internal table to hold Sales information

w_flag TYPE C Flag

w_kna1 TYPE KNA1 General Data in Customer Master

w_kunnr_high TYPE KNA1-KUNNR Customer Number 1

w_kunnr_low TYPE KNA1-KUNNR Customer Number 1

Define Type definition as below:

types: types_kna1 type table of kna1,

types_vbak type table of vbak.


begin of types_range,



low type kunnr,

high type kunnr,

end of types_range.

Now execute the BSP Application

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