Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Using Multiple Master and Body pages

In general, the boiler plate objects placed on the master page will reflect in all remaining pages. Now consider the scenario where the boiler plate objects placed on the master page reflects only on first page but not on the subsequent pages.

We can achieve the above scenario by creating another master page and body page. This document shows the steps to achieve the same.

Step1: Go to SFP transaction to create adobe form. Provide the interface name and click on create button.

Provide the description.

Step2: Define the carrid in IMPORT parameters of form interface.

Step3: Now go to TYPES options in the GLABAL DEFINITION to define user define declarations.

Step4: Now go to Global Data,

Step5: In Code Initialization,

Save and activate the interface. Come back to initial screen of adobe form.

Step6: Provide the form name and give the interface face name and description in the appearing subsequent dialog box.

Press save button.

Step7: Drag and drop the IMPORT parameter ‘carrid’ and GLOBAL DATA parameter ‘t_sflight’ to context.

Step8: Now go to Layout tab,

In master page, drag the content area little bit down from the top to place logo and import parameter ‘carrid’. Also resize the content area as shown below.

Step9: Drag and drop the internal table into body page as shown below.

Step10: Now rename the ‘Untitled Sub Form’ to ‘Bodypage1’ and make the sub form type as flowed as shown.

Active the form and when execute at this point of time, you would observe logo and carrid on every page of output as shown.

And also in all remaining 3 pages logo and carrid is printed.

But our objective of this document is of restricting these TWO, carrid and logo. For that, proceed as follows

Step11: To create new master page, right click on page1 and select New Master Page as shown.

Step12: New master page is created.

Step13: Now create new body page. Right click on ‘Bodypage1’ and select New Body Page.

Rename it to Bodypage2.

Step14: Drag and drop the internal table into Bodypage2.

Step15: Now place the cursor at ‘Bodypage1’ and go to object palette.

Go to pagination tab.

Now select Page1 in place of ‘Following Pervious’ as shown below.

And also, select the Page2 instead of None in the Overflow column.

Step16: Now, select Bodypage2. Go to pagination tab in the object palette. Select ‘Page2’ in place of ‘Following Pervious’ as shown below

Step17: Change the sub form type for Bodypage2 as Flowed.

Step17: Activate it and execute the form. The output would be

Now from the second page onwards, we don’t get the logo and carrid. We get these only on first page.

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