Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Simple BSP application to select a range of Sales Document and Display the result on the next Page

This Document explains about a simple BSP application where we can give a range of Sales Document Number and then the respective data related to that Sales Document Number is displayed.

The factors that have been considered while doing this BSP Application.

  • First to create a BSP Application and execute it on the browser we have to include the IP address of the particular system and browser in the drivers program. We can do this by going to START->RUN->DRIVERS->ETC

  • We can use HTML or HTMLB or any other coding to construct a BSP application. (Here we are using HTMLB)

  • We have considered table VBAP

  • We have use the class CL_HTMLB_MANAGER and CL_HTMLB_EVENT and created their instances.

Steps to create a BSP Application.

1. Go to Transaction SE80, select BSP Application and give the name of the Application you want to create. Press ‘ENTER’.

2. A pop-up window appears where we have to give a short description and press ‘Create’.

3. After creating the Application assign it to package.

4. Now go to the object right click on it. Say Create->Page.

5. Then a pop up window appears, we have to give the name of the page we are creating (here First.htm) and give some short description.

6. A page of layout tab will be created with some amount of coding on it. When we execute it we get a web page provide all the host address is mentioned correctly in drivers.

7. Activate the page and the application as well. Then we will see a hierarchy of the application and pages.

8. Now go to the page ‘First.htm’ of what we have created.

9. This hierarchy of application and pages are from the ‘Repository Browser’. On the layout of the page to include any input fields or buttons or tabular structures we have to go to the ‘Tag Browser’, from where we have to select the tags.

10. After going to the Tag Browser. Go to BSP Extensions -> Transportable -> HTMLB.

11. Once we click open the HTMLB, there are many tags. For our purpose on the first page we need.

  • Since we need to enter a range of Sales Document Numbers, we need 2 input fields.

  • One label to indicate the input field.

  • One Button, which on clicking will get us the required data.

12. So we drag and drop the required TAGS from the Tag Browser. Our Coding with all the Input fields, buttons and labels will be like this.

13. Here in the above coding the variables ‘w_vbeln1’ and ‘w_vbeln2’ have to be declared in Page Attributes and the IDs given to each input field or button is of at most importance because they uniquely identify each Field or button.

14. Here in the above coding the variables ‘w_vbeln1’ and ‘w_vbeln2’ have to be declared in Page Attributes and the IDs given to each input field or button is of at most importance because they uniquely identify each Field or button.

15. Now, we have to write our main code in the event ‘OnInputProcessing’. For that purpose we have to go to the ‘Event Handler’ tab and select ‘OnInputProcessing’ event there.

16. Since we are using the class CL_HTMLB_MANAGER we have to call this class and have to create an Instance according to it.

We also have to write the Page Navigation logic here because we are Navigating from the first page to the second page. Create the Second Page and name it as ‘Second.htm’.

The coding on the page is like this.

Here the values in the braces of ‘SET_PARAMETER ‘ are the IDs of the input fields.

This is the navigation logic. On the last line navigation->next_page( 'NEXT' ).

‘NEXT’ here is defined like this.

Ø Double Click on the application.

Ø The following screen will appear.

17. Now Designing the ‘SECOND PAGE’.

18. Our output on the second page should be in tabular form. So, in our layout we have to define table view like this.

19. Here on the Second Page also we have to define the page attributes like this.

20. Now we have to write the code in the ‘INITIALIZATION’ event. Because this event triggers when ever a new page is called.

21. The code is as follows.

* event handler for data retrieval
data :
w_event type ref to cl_htmlb_event ,
w_eventid type string ,
w_obj type ref to object ,
w_obj1 type ref to object ,
w_vbeln type ref to cl_htmlb_inputfield ,
w_vbelnval type string ,
w_vbeln1 type vbap-vbeln ,
w_vbeln2 type vbap-vbeln .
* Calling Method for w_vbeln
CALL METHOD cl_htmlb_manager=>get_data
request = runtime->server->request
name = 'inputfield'
id = 'i_vbeln'
data = w_obj
w_vbeln ?= w_obj . " Passing the object vale to w_vbeln
w_vbelnval = w_vbeln->value . " now the value from w_vbeln is passed to
" w_vbelnval
w_vbeln1 = w_vbelnval . " Now value from w_vbelnva is passed to
" w_vbeln1
* Here we have called the class cl_htmlb_manager and an instance get_data has * * been created.
input = w_vbeln1
OUTPUT = w_vbeln1.
* Function to change external format to the internal format
* Calling Method for w_vbeln
CALL METHOD cl_htmlb_manager=>get_data
request = runtime->server->request
name = 'inputfield'
id = 'i_vbeln1'
data = w_obj .
w_vbeln ?= w_obj .               " Passing the object vale to w_vbeln
w_vbelnval = w_vbeln->value . " now the value from w_vbeln is passed to
" w_vbelnval
w_vbeln2 = w_vbelnval . " Now value from w_vbelnva is passed to
" w_vbeln2
input = w_vbeln2
OUTPUT = w_vbeln2 .

* Function to change external format to the internal format

select * from vbap into table t_vbap where vbeln between w_vbeln1 and w_vbeln2.

22. Save and activate the application.

Now when we execute the application. The Screen will be like this.

On Clicking the button ‘Get Data’. The output would be like this.

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