1) Creating RFC Destination for FTP.
Run program: RSFTP005.
The RFC destinations SAPFTP and SAPFTPA will be created automatically.
a) SAPFTP (for local system)
b) SAPFTPA (for running in Application server)(This is used for file transfer in background.
2) Code sample for developing FTP programs can be got from report program
a) RSFTP002
b) RSFTP007
c) RSFTP008
3) Sample code for getting customer details as tab delimited .TXT file in background.
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZCUSTOMER *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *&-Customer -All new/changed customer records created during the period. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *LedgerKey-------------Char(50) *AccountName-----------Char(80) *AccountReference -----Char(50) *Address1 -------------Char(80) *Address2 -------------Char(80) *Town -----------------Char(50) *County / State -------Char(50) *Post Code / ZIP ------Char(20) *Country---------------Char(2) *AccountCurrencyCode --Char(3) *ContactTelephone -----Char(20)
REPORT zcustomer.
TABLES: kna1,knb1.
TYPES: BEGIN OF st_customer, ledgerkey TYPE char50, name1 TYPE kna1-name1, kunnr TYPE kna1-kunnr, name2 TYPE kna1-name2, stras TYPE kna1-stras, ort01 TYPE kna1-ort01, regio TYPE kna1-regio, pstlz TYPE kna1-pstlz, land1 TYPE kna1-land1, waers TYPE knvv-waers, telf1 TYPE kna1-telf1, END OF st_customer.
TYPES : BEGIN OF st_cus, ledgerkey(50) TYPE c, "LedgerKey wrk_delim1 TYPE x , name1(80) TYPE c, "AccountName wrk_delim2 TYPE x , kunnr(50) TYPE c, "AccountReference wrk_delim3 TYPE x , name2(80) TYPE c, "Address1 wrk_delim4 TYPE x , stras(80) TYPE c, " Address2 wrk_delim5 TYPE x , ort01(50) TYPE c, " Town wrk_delim6 TYPE x , regio(50) TYPE c, " County / State wrk_delim7 TYPE x , pstlz(10) TYPE c, "Post Code / ZIP wrk_delim8 TYPE x , land1(2) TYPE c, "Country wrk_delim9 TYPE x , waers(3) TYPE c, "AccountCurrencyCode wrk_delim10 TYPE x , telf1(20) TYPE c, "ContactTelephone END OF st_cus .
DATA: wrk_file TYPE char200. DATA: it_customer TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF st_customer, wa_customer LIKE LINE OF it_customer.
DATA: it_dat TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF st_cus, wa_dat LIKE LINE OF it_dat.
SELECT-OPTIONS:cust_no FOR kna1-kunnr,"customer no com_code FOR knb1-bukrs,"company code country FOR kna1-land1, "country creat_on FOR kna1-erdat default sy-datum. "created or changed on SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b2.
IF creat_on-high IS INITIAL. creat_on-high = creat_on-low. ENDIF.
CONCATENATE sy-mandt '_1_' creat_on-low '_' creat_on-high '_Cust.txt' INTO wrk_file.
PERFORM customer_data_select. "Customer Data File PERFORM build_template_data. PERFORM ftp_file_customer.
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CUSTOMER_DATA_SELECT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM customer_data_select .
SELECT a~name1 a~name2 a~kunnr a~stras a~ort01 a~regio a~pstlz a~land1 a~telf1
"Details of the Customer based on KNA1. FROM kna1 AS a INNER JOIN knb1 AS b ON a~kunnr = b~kunnr INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_customer WHERE a~kunnr IN cust_no AND ( ( a~erdat IN creat_on OR a~updat IN creat_on ) OR ( b~erdat IN creat_on OR b~updat IN creat_on ) ) AND a~land1 IN country AND b~bukrs IN com_code.
IF sy-subrc = 0. LOOP AT it_customer INTO wa_customer.
SELECT SINGLE waers FROM knvv INTO wa_customer-waers WHERE kunnr = wa_customer-kunnr..
wa_customer-ledgerkey = '12345'.
MODIFY it_customer FROM wa_customer.
ENDFORM. " CUSTOMER_DATA_SELECT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form BUILD_TEMPLATE_DATA *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM build_template_data .
LOOP AT it_customer INTO wa_customer. MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_customer TO wa_dat.
wa_dat-wrk_delim1 = '09'. "for adding tab after each field wa_dat-wrk_delim2 = '09'. wa_dat-wrk_delim3 = '09'. wa_dat-wrk_delim4 = '09'. wa_dat-wrk_delim5 = '09'. wa_dat-wrk_delim6 = '09'. wa_dat-wrk_delim7 = '09'. wa_dat-wrk_delim8 = '09'. wa_dat-wrk_delim9 = '09'. wa_dat-wrk_delim10 = '09'. APPEND wa_dat TO it_dat. ENDLOOP.
ENDFORM. " BUILD_TEMPLATE_DATA *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FTP_FILE_CUSTOMER *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM ftp_file_customer .
DATA: l_user(30) TYPE c VALUE 'ZTEST', "user name of ftp server l_pwd(30) TYPE c VALUE '1234', "password of ftp server l_host(64) TYPE c VALUE '', "ip address of FTP server l_dest LIKE rfcdes-rfcdest VALUE 'SAPFTPA'."Background RFC destination
DATA: w_hdl TYPE i, c_key TYPE i VALUE 26101957, l_slen TYPE i.
*HTTP_SCRAMBLE: used to scramble the password provided in a format recognized by SAP. SET EXTENDED CHECK OFF. l_slen = STRLEN( l_pwd ).
CALL FUNCTION 'HTTP_SCRAMBLE' EXPORTING SOURCE = l_pwd sourcelen = l_slen key = c_key IMPORTING destination = l_pwd.
* To Connect to the Server using FTP CALL FUNCTION 'FTP_CONNECT' EXPORTING user = l_user password = l_pwd host = l_host rfc_destination = l_dest IMPORTING handle = w_hdl EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. . *FTP_R3_TO_SERVER:used to transfer the internal table data as a file to other system in the character mode.
CALL FUNCTION 'FTP_R3_TO_SERVER' EXPORTING handle = w_hdl fname = wrk_file "file path of destination system character_mode = 'X' TABLES text = it_dat EXCEPTIONS tcpip_error = 1 command_error = 2 data_error = 3 OTHERS = 4.
IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4 RAISING invalid_output_file. ENDIF.
*FTP_DISCONNECT: This is used to disconnect the connection between SAP and other system.
* To disconnect the FTP CALL FUNCTION 'FTP_DISCONNECT' EXPORTING handle = w_hdl.
*RFC_CONNECTION_CLOSE:This is used to disconnect the RFC connection between SAP and other system.
On running this report in background a file will be created in ftp server location.
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