In this document we shall cover Topic#2. For topic#1, click here.
Infosets Components
Ø InfoSets are special views of data sources.
Ø An InfoSet describes which fields of a data source can be reported on in queries.
Ø InfoSets are assigned to user groups.
Ø End-users are able to work only with those InfoSets that are relevant to their particular area, as designated by the role or user group that they are assigned to.
Ø Eg: Vendor master data can be important in purchasing as well as in accountancy. The relevant InfoSet is assigned to both roles/user groups. This means that queries based on this InfoSet can be copied and executed by both groups.
Creating and changing Infosets
Creating Infosets – Prerequisites |
Assign Data sources |
Infoset Display/Change |
Definition of field groups |
Obtaining additional information |
Creating Selections |
Further Codes |
Application Specific Enhancements |
Creating Infosets – Prerequisites
The following questions help in meeting the prerequisites of creating an infoset.
Ø Which data source corresponds to the requirements?
For example: Material reports in Materials Management
Document reports in Financial Accounting
Ø Which fields do you need to include in the InfoSet?
Ø Do you need additional information which is not available in the data source? (This means you are going to have to connect additional tables and the definitions of additional fields.)
Ø Do you need parameters and selection criteria? (Parameters and selection criteria appear on the selection screens of queries that are created using the InfoSet).
Ø Do you need to include any particular measures such as access protection?
Ø Do you need to be able to change the long texts and headers for the selected fields?
Assign Data sources
- Name
- Authorization group: This means that only users authorized to execute programs from this authorization group are able to execute these queries. Use Tcode: AUTH_DISPLAY_OBJECTS
- Choose Data Source:
Ø Table join using a table: Is used when Query is prepared for retrieving data from more than one database tables having relationships.
Ø Reading tables directly: Is used when Query is prepared for retrieving data from one table.
Ø Logical databases: Is used when Query is prepared for retrieving data based on a Logical database (LDB)
- Using programs to retrieve data: Here a program can be written with own logic. Declaration in data section of the program will help the query to select the elements of data to be retrieved from database. As per the logic, data is validated, processed. The selection screen can be prepared in Query and data is retrieved for output.
Ø Sequential datasets
- Options
Ø No Automatic Text Recognition
Ø Fixed Point Arithmetic
Display/Change Infoset
Ø The InfoSet display allows you to examine or change the structure of the InfoSet.
Ø Assigning additional tables
Ø Creating additional fields
Ø Creating additional Structures
Ø Extras
Ø Selections
Ø Further Code
Ø Application Specific Enhancements
Definition of field groups
Ø A field group combines related fields together into a meaningful unit.
Ø Fields must be assigned to a field group before they can be used in queries.
Ø Include all table fields
Ø Include key fields
Ø Create empty field groups
Logical Database having more than 4 structures has different way of creating field groups.Eg: PNP
User Groups Components
Ø The User Groups component is used to maintain user groups. The system administrator uses it to set up the work environment for end-users.
Ø Every user assigned to the user group is able to execute the query.
Ø Users are not allowed to modify queries from other user groups, although they may, under certain circumstances, copy and execute
1.Creating infosets or functional areas
Ø Tcode-SQ02
2. To create user groups and assign to infosets
Ø Tcode-SQ03
3. To create a query
Ø Tcode-SQ01
Steps to create selection criteria to the query
Ø Tcode-SQ01
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