Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How To Create an Index on a View?

If you need to search and sort data in a view with a large number of row, you may want to create an index on the view to speed up your search process.
The tutorial exercise below shows you how to create a unique clustered index on a view.

DROP VIEW fyi_links_view;

CREATE VIEW fyi_links_view (ID, UrlReversed)
   FROM fyi_links_copy WHERE counts > 1000;

   ON fyi_links_view (ID);
Cannot create index on view 'fyi_links_view' 
   because the view is not schema bound.

ALTER VIEW fyi_links_view (ID, UrlReversed)
   FROM dbo.fyi_links_copy WHERE counts > 1000;

   ON fyi_links_view (ID);

EXEC SP_HELP fyi_links_view;
index_name  index_description                    index_keys
----------- ------------------------------------ ----------
date_string clustered, unique located on PRIMARY ID

How To Bind a View to the Schema of the Underlying Tables?

By default, views are not bound to the schema of the underlying tables. This means that SQL Server will allow you to change underlying table's schema any time. For example, you can drop the underlying table while keep the view. Of course, this will make the view not valid any more.
If you don't want anyone to change underlying table's schema once a view has been defined, you can create a binding view with the "WITH SCHEMABINDING" clause to bind the view to the schema of underlying tables. A binding view has the following features:
  • Changing of underlying table's schema is not allowed as long as there exists one binding view.
  • Indexes can be created only on binding views.
The tutorial exercise below shows you how to create a binding with "WITH SCHEMABINDING":

DROP VIEW fyi_links_view;

CREATE VIEW fyi_links_view (ID, DateString, CountUrl)
   AS SELECT id, CONVERT(VARCHAR(16), created, 107), 
      CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),counts)+' - '+url
   FROM fyi_links_copy WHERE counts > 1000;
Msg 4512, Level 16, State 3, Procedure fyi_links_view, 
   Line 3
Cannot schema bind view 'fyi_links_view' because name 
   'fyi_links_copy' is invalid for schema binding. 
   Names must be in two-part format and an object 
   cannot reference itself.

CREATE VIEW fyi_links_view (ID, DateString, CountUrl)
   AS SELECT id, CONVERT(VARCHAR(16), created, 107), 
      CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),counts)+' - '+url
   FROM dbo.fyi_links_copy WHERE counts > 1000;
Command(s) completed successfully.

DROP TABLE fyi_links_copy;
Msg 3729, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot DROP TABLE 'fyi_links_copy' because it is being 
   referenced by object 'fyi_links_view'.
The error received in the first CREATE VIEW statement says that you must prefix the table name with the schema name.
The error received in the DROP TABLE statement proves that you can not change the underlying tables if there is binding view.

How Column Data Types Are Determined in a View?

When you define a view, its columns are defined through a list of expressions in the underlying SELECT statement. Their data types will be determined implicitly by the expressions.
For example, if the column expression is a column name of a underlying table, the data type of the view column will be the same of the underlying table column.
If the column expression is a function, the data type of the view column will be the function return data type.
If the column expression is an operation, the data type of the view column will be the expression result data type.
The following tutorial exercise shows you some examples of view column data types:

DROP VIEW fyi_links_view;

CREATE VIEW fyi_links_view (ID, DateString, CountUrl) AS
   SELECT id, CONVERT(VARCHAR(16), created, 107), 
      CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),counts)+' - '+url
   FROM fyi_links WHERE counts > 1000

SELECT TOP 3 * FROM fyi_links_view;
ID     DateString    CountUrl
------ ------------- ---------------------------------------
7600   Jun 06, 1891  237946 -   eyfndw jdt  lee ztejeyx l q 
19437  May 30, 1833  222337 -   eypx u x
55924  Dec 29, 1956  1877 -   eyq ntohxe i rtnlu riwaskzp  c

EXEC SP_HELP fyi_links_view;
Column_name  Type     Length      Prec  Scale 
------------ -------- ----------- ----- ----- 
ID           int      4           10    0     
DateString   varchar  16                      
CountUrl     varchar  103                     
In view, fyi_links_view, defined in this exercise:
  • Column "ID" has a data type INT, same as the data type of "id" in the underlying table.
  • Column "DateString" has a data type of VARCHAR(16), returned by the CONVERT() function.
  • Column "CountUlr" has a data type of VARCHAR(103), returned by the concatenation operations.

How To Assign New Column Names in a View?

By default, column names in a view are provided by the underlying SELECT statement.
But sometimes, the underlying SELECT statement can not provide names for output columns that specified as expressions with functions and operations. In this case, you need to assign new names for the view's columns. The tutorial exercise below creates a view to merge several table columns into a single view column with a format called CSV (Comma Separated Values):

CREATE VIEW fyi_links_dump AS
      + ', ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),counts) 
      + ', ''' + url + ''''
   FROM fyi_links WHERE counts > 1000
Msg 4511, Level 16, State 1, Procedure fyi_links_dump, 
   Line 2
Create View or Function failed because no column name 
   was specified for column 1.

CREATE VIEW fyi_links_dump (Line) AS
      + ', ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),counts) 
      + ', ''' + url + ''''
   FROM fyi_links WHERE counts > 1000

SELECT TOP 3 * FROM fyi_links_dump
7600, 237946, '  eyfndw jdt  lee ztejeyx l q  jdh k '
19437, 222337, '  eypx u x'
55924, 1877, '  eyq ntohxe i rtnlu riwaskzp  cucoa dva c rc'
The first CREATE VIEW gives you an error, because the SELECT statement returns no column for the concatenated value, and no view column name is specified explicitly.

Can You Delete Data from a View?

Can you delete data in a view? The answer is no.
But if the question is "Can you delete data from the underlying table through view?" The answer is then yes. SQL Server will allow you to delete data from the underlying table through a view. The tutorial exercise below is a good example:

DELETE FROM fyi_links_top WHERE id = 100001;

SELECT * FROM fyi_links_top;
36470  999966  dgqnvmy   pyjqd toqcoupuxortasdtzvcae jonfb
12292  999953     qebmw v qqmywe q  kza  wskxqns jnb 
6192   999943   p o qisvrakk hk od 

SELECT TOP 1 * FROM fyi_links ORDER BY counts DESC;
id     url                                         ...
------ ------------------------------------------- ...
36470  dgqnvmy   pyjqd toqcoupuxortasdtzvcae jonfb ... 

Can You Update Data in a View?

Can you update data in a view? The answer is no.
But if the question is "Can you update data in the underlying table through view?" The answer is then yes. SQL Server will allow you to update data in the underlying table through a view. The tutorial exercise below is a good example:

UPDATE fyi_links_top SET url = REVERSE(url) 
   WHERE id = 100001;

SELECT * FROM fyi_links_top;
id     counts  url
------ ------- -------------------------------------------
100001 1000001 moc.retneciyf.abd
36470  999966  dgqnvmy   pyjqd toqcoupuxortasdtzvcae jonfb
12292  999953     qebmw v qqmywe q  kza  wskxqns jnb 

SELECT TOP 1 * FROM fyi_links ORDER BY counts DESC;
id     url               notes counts      created
------ ----------------- ----- ----------- ----------
100001 moc.retneciyf.abd NULL  1000001     2007-05-19

Can You Insert Data into a View?

Can you insert data into a view? The answer is no.
But if the question is "Can you insert data into the underlying table through view?" The answer is then yes. SQL Server will allow you to insert data into the underlying table through a view with a condition:
  • The insert columns must be limited to columns of a single underlying table.
The tutorial exercise below shows you how to insert data into a underlying table through a view:

USE FyiCenterData;

ALTER VIEW fyi_links_top AS
   SELECT TOP 3 id, counts, url FROM fyi_links 
   WHERE counts > 100
   ORDER BY counts DESC;

INSERT INTO fyi_links_top 
   VALUES(100001, 1000001, 'dba.fyicenter.com');

SELECT * FROM fyi_links_top;
id     counts  url
------ ------- -------------------------------------------
100001 1000001 dba.fyicenter.com
36470  999966  dgqnvmy   pyjqd toqcoupuxortasdtzvcae jonfb
12292  999953     qebmw v qqmywe q  kza  wskxqns jnb 

SELECT TOP 1 * FROM fyi_links ORDER BY counts DESC;
id     url               notes counts      created
------ ----------------- ----- ----------- ----------
100001 dba.fyicenter.com NULL  1000001     2007-05-19

How To Modify the Underlying Query of an Existing View?

If you have an existing view, and want to change the underlying SELECT statement, you can use the "ALTER VIEW ..." statement to redefine the view. The tutorial exercise below shows you how modify an existing view:

USE FyiCenterData;

ALTER VIEW fyi_links_top AS
   SELECT TOP 3 id, counts, url FROM fyi_links 
   WHERE counts > 100
   ORDER BY counts DESC;

SELECT * FROM fyi_links_top;
id     counts  url
------ ------- -------------------------------------------
36470  999966  dgqnvmy   pyjqd toqcoupuxortasdtzvcae jonfb
12292  999953     qebmw v qqmywe q  kza  wskxqns jnb 
6192   999943   p o qisvrakk hk od

Can You Use ORDER BY When Defining a View?

Sometimes you want the data in a view to be sorted and try to use the ORDER BY clause in the SELECT statement to define the view.
But SQL Server will not allow you to use ORDER BY to define a view without the TOP clause. The tutorial exercise below shows you what error you will get when using ORDER BY in a CREATE VIEW statement:

USE FyiCenterData;

CREATE VIEW fyi_links_top AS
   SELECT id, counts, url FROM fyi_links 
   WHERE counts > 100
   ORDER BY counts DESC;
Msg 1033, Level 15, State 1, Procedure fyi_links_top, Line 4
The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, 
   derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions,
   unless TOP or FOR XML is also specified.

CREATE VIEW fyi_links_top AS
   SELECT TOP 100 id, counts, url FROM fyi_links 
   WHERE counts > 100
   ORDER BY counts DESC;

SELECT TOP 3 * FROM fyi_links_top;
id     counts  url
------ ------- -------------------------------------------
36470  999966  dgqnvmy   pyjqd toqcoupuxortasdtzvcae jonfb
12292  999953     qebmw v qqmywe q  kza  wskxqns jnb 
6192   999943   p o qisvrakk hk od 
The view seems to be sorted correctly.

What Happens If You Delete a Table That Is Used by a View?

Assuming that you have a table which is used by a view, and you try to delete that table. SQL Server will let you delete the table without any trouble.
But that view will become invalid. The tutorial exercise below shows you what happens to the view, when the underlying table is deleted:

USE FyiCenterData;

SELECT * INTO fyi_links_copy 
   FROM fyi_links WHERE counts > 0;

CREATE VIEW fyi_links_view AS
   SELECT * FROM fyi_links_copy;

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fyi_links_view;

DROP TABLE fyi_links_copy;

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fyi_links_view;
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'fyi_links_copy'.
Msg 4413, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Could not use view or function 'fyi_links_view' 
   because of binding errors.

Can You Create a View using Data from Another View?

Can You Create a View with Data from Another View? The answer is yes. A view can be used as a table to build other views. The tutorial exercise below shows you how to create a view using data from another view:

USE AdventureWorksLT;

   SELECT SalesOrderNumber, TotalDue, CompanyName
   FROM SalesOrderView 
   WHERE TotalDue > 10000.0

SELECT TOP 10 * FROM SalesOrderTop;
SalesOrderNumber TotalDue    CompanyName
---------------- ----------- ------------------------------
SO71780          42452.6519  Nearby Cycle Shop
SO71782          43962.7901  Professional Sales and Service
SO71783          92663.5609  Eastside Department Store
SO71784          119960.824  Action Bicycle Specialists
SO71796          63686.2708  Extreme Riding Supplies
SO71797          86222.8072  Riding Cycles
SO71832          39531.6085  Closest Bicycle Store
SO71845          45992.3665  Trailblazing Sports
SO71858          15275.1977  Thrilling Bike Tours
SO71897          14017.9083  Paints and Solvents Company

Can You Create a View with Data from Multiple Tables?

Can You Create a View with Data from Multiple Tables? The answer is yes. A view can be created with a SELECT statement to join data from multiple tables.
It is a common practice to normalize data into multiple tables. Then using a view to de-normalize them into a single output.
The tutorial exercise below shows you how to create a view to normalize data from two tables SalesOrderHeader and Customer in the sample database AdventureWorksLT.

USE AdventureWorksLT;

   SELECT o.SalesOrderNumber, o.OrderDate, o.TotalDue,
      c.FirstName, c.LastName, c.CompanyName
   FROM SalesLT.SalesOrderHeader o, SalesLT.Customer c
   WHERE o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID

SELECT TOP 10 SalesOrderNumber, TotalDue, CompanyName 
   FROM SalesOrderView;
SalesOrderNumber TotalDue    CompanyName
---------------- ----------- ------------------------------
SO71915          2361.6403   Aerobic Exercise Company
SO71938          98138.2131  Bulk Discount Store
SO71783          92663.5609  Eastside Department Store
SO71899          2669.3183   Coalition Bike Company
SO71898          70698.9922  Instruments and Parts Company
SO71902          81834.9826  Many Bikes Store
SO71832          39531.6085  Closest Bicycle Store
SO71776          87.0851     West Side Mart
SO71797          86222.8072  Riding Cycles
SO71895          272.6468    Futuristic Bikes

How To Get the Definition of a View Out of the SQL Server?

If you want get the definition of an existing view back from the SQL Server, you can use the system view called sys.sql_modules, which stores defitions of views and procedures.
The sys.sql_modules holds view definitions identifiable by the object id of each view. The tutorial exercise below shows you how to retrieve the definition of view, "fyi_link_view" by joining sys.sql_modules and sys.views:

USE FyiCenterData;

SELECT m.definition 
   FROM sys.sql_modules m, sys.views v
   WHERE m.object_id = v.object_id
   AND v.name = 'fyi_links_top';   
CREATE VIEW fyi_links_top (LinkText) AS
      + ' - ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),counts) 
      + ' - ' + url 
   FROM fyi_links WHERE counts > 1000
(1 row(s) affected)

How To Generate CREATE VIEW Script on an Existing View?

If you want to know how an existing view was created, you can use SQL Server Management Studio to automatically generate a "CREATE VIEW" script The following tutorial shows you how to do this:
1. Run SQL Server Management Studio and connect to SQL server.
2. On the Object Explorer window, follow the object tree: Databases > FyiCenterData > Views > dbo.fyi_links_top.
3. Click right mouse button on dbo.fyi_links_top. The context menu shows up.
4. Select "Script Table as" > "CREATE to" > "New Query Editor Window". The following script will be displayed:

USE [FyiCenterData]
/****** Object:  View [dbo].[fyi_links_top]
    Script Date: 05/19/2007 15:07:27 ******/
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[fyi_links_top] AS
   SELECT id, counts, url FROM fyi_links 
   WHERE counts > 100;

Monday, September 9, 2013

How To Get a List of Columns in a View using the "sp_help" Stored Procedure?

Another way to get a list of columns from a view is to use the "sp_help" stored procedure. "sp_help" returns more than just a list of columns. It returns: the view information, the column information, the identity column, the row GUID column. The tutorial exercise belwo shows you what you will get with sp_help:

EXEC SP_HELP fyi_links_top;
Name           Owner  Type  Created_datetime
-------------- ------ ----- -----------------------
fyi_links_top  dbo    view  2007-05-19 13:43:46.983
Column_name  Type     Computed  Length  Prec  Scale Nullable
------------ -------- --------- ------- ----- ----- --------
id           int      no        4       10    0     yes     
counts       int      no        4       10    0     yes     
url          varchar  no        80                  no      
No identity column defined.

No rowguidcol column defined.

How To Get a List of Columns in a View using the "sp_columns" Stored Procedure?

If you have an existing table, but you don't remember what are the columns defined in the view, you can use the "sp_columns" stored procedure to get a list of all columns of the specified view. The following tutorial script shows you a good example:

EXEC SP_COLUMNS fyi_links_top;
----------- ------------- ----------- --------- ------
dbo         fyi_links_top id          int       4     
dbo         fyi_links_top counts      int       4     
dbo         fyi_links_top url         varchar   80    

(3 row(s) affected)
The "sp_columns" stored procedure returns a long list of properties for each column of the specified view.

How To Get a List of Columns in a View using "sys.columns"?

If you have an existing view, but you don't remember what are the columns defined in the view, you can use the "sys.columns" system view to get a list of all columns of all views in the current database.
In order to a list of columns of a single view, you need to join sys.columns and sys.views as shown in the tutorial example below:

SELECT * FROM sys.columns c, sys.views v
   WHERE c.object_id = v.object_id
   AND t.name = 'fyi_links_top'
object_id   name    column_id  user_type_id max_length
----------- ------- ---------- ------------ ----------
1205579333  id      1          56           4         
1205579333  counts  2          56           4         
1205579333  url     3          167          80        
You can see the column names easily from the sys.columns view. But you can only see the column type IDs. This requires another join to get the column type names. You may try the "sp_columns" stored procedure to get a better list of columns shown in the next tutorial.

How To Drop Existing Views from a Database?

If you don't need a specific view any more, you can use the DROP VIEW statement to delete it from the database. The following tutorial exercise shows you how to delete the view, fyi_links_view:

USE FyiCenterData;

SELECT * FROM sys.views;
name            object_id   schema_id  type type_desc 
--------------- ----------- ---------- ---- ----------
fyi_links_view  1189579276  1          V    VIEW      
fyi_links_top   1205579333  1          V    VIEW      
(2 row(s) affected)

DROP VIEW fyi_links_view; 

SELECT * FROM sys.views;
name            object_id   schema_id  type type_desc 
--------------- ----------- ---------- ---- ----------
fyi_links_top   1205579333  1          V    VIEW      
(1 row(s) affected)

How To See Existing Views?

If you want to know how many views you have created in a database, you use the system view called sys.views to get a list of views defined in the current database. The tutorial exercise shows you how many views in database FyiCenterData:

USE FyiCenterData;

CREATE VIEW fyi_links_view AS
   SELECT * FROM fyi_links;

SELECT * FROM sys.views;
name            object_id   schema_id  type type_desc 
--------------- ----------- ---------- ---- ----------
fyi_links_view  1189579276  1          V    VIEW      
fyi_links_top   1205579333  1          V    VIEW      
(2 row(s) affected)

How To Create a View on an Existing Table?

If you want to a view on an existing table, you can use the CREATE VIEW statement in a simple syntax:
The tutorial exercise below shows you how to create a view to represent sub set of data stored in fyi_links table:

USE FyiCenterData;

CREATE VIEW fyi_links_top AS
   SELECT id, counts, url FROM fyi_links 
   WHERE counts > 100;

SELECT TOP 10 * FROM fyi_link_top;
id     counts  url
------ ------- -----------------------------------------
7600   237946  eyfndw jdt  lee ztejeyx l q  jdh k 
19437  222337  eypx u x
55924  1877    eyq ntohxe i rtnlu riwaskzp  cucoa dva c 
63742  121330  ezdaeh mmgmo vaai  meytbjjv f jixfsdjw pw
92455  945262  ezlmyenrw   dyeb
36391  41386   f 
87433  977726  f
7180   559314  f   kqbqlej   s xixuurcgg lh r dqqvqsstxw
2252   702033  f  bkh  jy   sqrkttuoarxmfp idqyhyy tme d
1228   146283  f  m asukh

What Are Views?

A view is a database object that represents the data in one or more tables in the same structure as a separate table. Here are some basic rules about views:
  • Tables store real data.
  • Views do not store real data.
  • Views must have underlying tables to provide data.
  • Each view is based on a single SELECT statement to control what data to collect from tables, and how data should be represented.
  • View's columns can be mapped directly to columns in underlying tables.
  • View's columns can be created expressions based multiple columns in underlying tables.
  • Views can be used in same way as tables in queries.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Enhance SPRO to add customized views

Enhance SPRO to add customized views to SPRO and make documentation of the relevant Z customization.  
Use in Projects:
The customized entries and documentation will be with in SPRO and understandable to everyone.  
  • Entire Customization including ‘Z’ objects comes under one tree(SPRO)
  • Reduces the time to become familiar with the system & processes.
  • Easy to maintain.
  • KT process becomes easier.  
To add this maintenance in SPRO, we need to enhance SPRO.  
Run the TA : S_IMG_EXTENSION from the easy access:  
Select the relevant IMG Structure from the F4 Button.  
In this case, the IMG structure is Sales.
Press F4 on Enhancement ID, It shows all the existing Enhancement ID’s. We can create our own enhancement ID.  
Cilck ‘ SAVE’ Button.  
Object directory entry screen is displayed. Give the package name. Workbench request gets created.
Once saved, Click on continue button

Now we can see the ZALU as enhancement ID Original List:
Double click ‘ZALU’  or set the cursor on ‘ZLAU’ Click on Continue.  
“ZALU” ‘ALU Enhancement ID’ gets filled at Enhancement ID.  
Now click on button Enhance Structure on the application bar.
Change IMG screen is displayed.
As we have selected IMG structure as SALES, we get all the sub nodes under sales.  
Now we are going to add a node as a sub node Under Sales:
Here 4 application bar buttons:
The above two buttons describes at which level (Parent node or Child node) to add the node.  
We are going to add ‘ALU Individual Customizing’ as Sub node to Sales,
So set the cursor on Sales and click on  
Pop up comes with asking for Node text: ‘Node text is given as  ‘ALU Individual Customizing’  
Click Continue.
Now the structure displayed like below:

Now set the cursor on ALU Individual Customizing and click on the button Activity:
Following screen is displayed.
Give IMG ID (Any Name) and document name and click on create:
Add the documentation:
Save and click on ‘BACK’ button. Will be directed to initial screen.
Click on SAVE button.
Workbench request gets created:
Now Click on the Attributes TAB:
Following screen is displayed:
Here is the list of ASAP Roadmap ID:
Selected 201 as ASAP Roadmap ID (Select the appropriate Roadmap ID, where this customization comes)
Mandatory/ Optional as “Optional”,
Critical/ Non_Critical as “Non Critical”.
Coming to the components on right side:
Press F4 on components, We get a list. Add the appropriate component.

Click on the SAVE button at the bottom:
Gets saved under workbench Request:  
Now click on the Tab: Maintain Objects:
Give the maintain Object ID and Name:
Assign the customizing Object Here:
In our example, the table name is ZEMPLY and the transaction code for the table maintenance:  
Click on the ‘SAVE’ Button:
Saved under workbench request and click on Back Button.
We are directed to Initial IMG Screen. And screen shows as below:
Click on SAVE button on the Top:
Changes logged under workbench Request:
Now Run the transaction SPRO:  
Now we can ZUNBU in the path
The documentation shown as below:  
When executed, it shows the Maintenance Screen,

Working with screen variants

Screen Variants
Screen variants allow you to simplify screen editing by:
  • Providing default values on the screen fields
  • Hiding and changing the ready for input status of fields
  • Hiding and changing the attributes of table control columns
A screen variant contains field values and attribute for exactly one screen. A screen variant may be assigned to multiple transaction variants. Screen variants are always cross-client; they may, however, be assigned to a client-specific transaction. They can also be called at runtime by a program. The different possibilities for calling screen variants guarantee great flexibility of use.
Normally when we create sales order, we can change the “ship to party” which comes based on sold to party, now for the demo purpose, we would disable “ship to party” so that the end-user cant make changes to it.
Transaction code: SHD0.  
Enter the transaction code, for which you want the field to be disabled, give a transaction variant name, this transaction variant will be assigned to order type later.
Here in this case transaction code is ‘VA01’.
Click on Create button
Enter the order type and press enter.
If you want to hide a field in sales order, then in this screen you can make necessary changes, according to our scenario we are just going to make changes only to ship to party so do not make any changes in the screen, Click on enter
Click on enter
Click on enter until you get the below screen where you are going to make modifications to ship to party field
Check the ship to party checkbox in output only (means display purpose) as shown below.  

After checking the checkbox, just click on EXIT and SAVE button shown in the below screen shot.
Enter the short description
Click on save
Assign it to a package.
Assign it to a transport request, and click on enter, you may get the same package and transport request, just click on save and go on until you encounter with the last screen.
Now this is the final screen.
Now go to transaction VOV8.
After selecting the order type, either double click or click on details button, it will take you to the next screen where you have to maintain the variant name.
Now when you try to create a sales order using the same document type then you can see that the ship to party field is in display mode.  

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