| Technical Questions from the BC team (Group 1) Set 1: | |
1. | Direction for the use of view object within the program? Ans :- View object – A view object is a virtual table tailored to the needs of an application .This allows direct access to specific data.View object is used in within an ABAP/4 program the same way a table is used. If you have created a view object ZVIEW , you can display its contents using following example program REPORT ZEXAMPLE. TABLES: ZVIEW. SELECT * FROM ZVIEW. WRITE: / ZVIEW. ENDSELECT. | |
2. | Direction for the use of check box and radio buttons in screen painter? Ans :- Creating Radio Button and Check Boxes on the screen 1) Go to the full screen editor. 2) Place an underscore at the point where you want to place the field. 3) Define the name of the field using 4) Place the cursor on the field and press 5) Then press 6) Then you group related check boxes and radio boxes. | |
3. | Difference between Radio Buttons and Check boxes. Ans :- · Radio buttons force one and only one entry to be active (Value ‘X’. Inactive has value '') for each group before control is passes back to the program. · Check boxes allow for any combinations of entries on the screen. | |
4. | When table in data dictionary is created , the relationship between cardinality factor and table Cardinality? Ans :- The following values are allowed when inserting data: C - 1 To 1 (Optional) CN - 1 To M (Optional) N - 1 To M (Mandatory) I - 1 To 1 (Mandatory) Dependency factor: This defines the foreign key relationship when applying updates. | |
5. | When an internal table is created, the settings criteria for the value of occurs? Ans :- The objective of setting the value of an occurs for an internal table is a question of optimization. The following facts should be taken into account when making such decision. 1) The complete data area of a program is 64000 bytes. 2) The initial size declared is kept in roll area (quicker access to program) 3) Data entered that exceeds the initial size stores in the roll file (Slower access to program) You should also analyze the expected volume and access rates before making the decision. | |
6. | When entering values on table related with foreign key using on-line program (using insert), why checking on possible entries on foreign key is not carried out? Ans :- | |
7. | Direction for the use of area menu? Ans :- Area menus are used purely for the pathing to transactions. They contain the same information As a transaction except for the part that is defined by the screen painter component. Details of the Area menu screen : Title : Workbench : Maintain area menu initial screen Transaction : SE43 Path : Tools ->CASE->Development->Maintain area menu Creating an area menu: 1) Enter the name of the new area menu. Since there are no SAP area menus starting with "Z”, an appropriate naming convention would be for all user created area menus to start with "Z". 2)Hit 3)Enter: -Maintain Language (must be "E") -Short text (description of area menu) -Hit 4) You should be now in the area menu editor. The fields that you can maintain are as follows: -Title : Text at the top of your area menu -Menu bar: Text for pulldown menu options & functions or sub menus. -Push button settings: - Number(s) of the corresponding function key(s) defined. -Function key settings: - Text and associated definitions for function keys. | |
8. | Description on roll area, Page area, work area, roll in? Ans :- · Roll area: Contains data that is automatically copied into the process ' private memory at the beginning of the dialog step (Rolled in). · Page area: I believe that the page area is a section of memory, which is the size of 11/0 operation. · Work area: Contains the graphical user interface elements for the display and entry of data. · Roll in: When data is copied from the role file to the roll area. | |
| Technical Questions from the BC team (Group 1) Set 2: | |
1. | It is possible to delete data entered with ABA/4 program in table maintenance. However, deletion of data uploaded from SAM file in table maintenance is not possible. | |
| Definitions: I am not sure if I understand this question. Are you asking if it is possible to delete data from a SAP table using information stored on a Unix file or are you asking me if the contents of a SAP file can be deleted before a Unix file is loaded? I need more information to be able to answer this question. | |
2. | The difference between two SYNTAX. Insert table name & insert table name, commit work. | |
| The difference can be demonstrated by the examples below. | |
| Start of Program I. Database update statements Run-time error occurs here End of program 1= 20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=20. Start of program 2. Database update statements. Commit work statements =20 Run time error occurs here …………=20 End of program 2=20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=20=20 Program I will not update the database & program 2 will. | |
| Structured Logic | |
1. | What is the difference between Structure & Internal table? Ans :- - Structure exists in ABAP Dictionary and programs but contains no data. - Internal table exists only in program and can contain data only at runtime. | |
4 | Call transaction module, give syntax? Ans :- CALL TRANSACTION This statement saves the data of the calling program, and starts transaction | |
6 | Define "Check " statements, how it works? Ans :- To terminate a single loop pass conditionally, use the CHECK If the condition is not true, any remaining statements in the current statement block after the CHECK statement are ignored, and the next loop pass starts. | |
8 | What is the difference when use fields in Chain, End Chain and when use in Subroutine? Ans :- | |
9 | Difference between Append and Collect statement? Ans :- Append statement always adds new line to ITAB from WA. Collect :- When the line is inserted, the system checks whether there is already a table entry that matches the key. If there is no corresponding entry already in the table, the COLLECT statement has the same effect as inserting the new line. If an entry with the same key already exists, the COLLECT statement does not append a new line, but adds the contents of the numeric fields in the work area to the contents of the numeric fields in the existing entry. | |
13 | Explain Field Group(extract dataset)? Ans :- An extract dataset consists of a sequence of records. These records may have different structures. All records with the same structure form a record type. You must define each record type of an extract dataset as a field group, using the FIELD-GROUPS statement. FIELD-GROUPS This statement defines a field group A field group does not reserve storage space for the fields, but contains pointers to existing fields. When filling the extract dataset with records, these pointers determine the contents of the stored records. | |
15 | Transaction for Menu painter? Ans :- SE41. | |
16 | Transaction for Screen painter? What is flow logic? Explain. Ans :- SE51. Flow-Logic :- Code that processes a particular screen in the R/3 System. Flow logic statements are syntactically similar to ABAP statements, but you cannot use flow logic keywords in ABAP. You define flow logic in the flow logic editor of the Screen Painter. Flow logic comprises two modules: PBO (Process Before Output) PAI (Process After Input) | |
17 | Transaction for MM creation? Ans :- | |
18 | Transaction for Sales Order (S /D) - Create, Display & Change? Ans :- | |
19 | Transaction for Delivery Challan S / D) - Create, Display & Change? Ans :- | |
21 | If you want to run two programs , within one program how you run another program instead of opening another session? Ans :- SUBMIT program. | |
23 | Example of nested "Select " statement syntax? Ans :- | |
27 | What is the difference between Move & assign statement? Ans :- Move :- To assign the value of a data object MOVE or the equivalent statement The contents of Multiple value assignments in the form Assign :- ASSIGN When you assign the data object, the system checks whether the technical attributes of the data object | |
28 | Describe "New-Page" statement? Ans :- The standard page header consists of list and column headers. To influence the representation of these individual components of the standard page header, use NEW-PAGE statement: | |
2. | What is BDC and How you use it? Ans :- Batched Data Communication. Batch input is an automatic procedure for the non-online data transfer of data into the system. BDC is used mainly to port data from legacy system to New system Using file access command like OPEN DATASET, READ DATASET. We populate the data into database tables. This can be run as a batch job using BDC. SAP strongly recommends that you use same screen flow to populate a table because that way referential integrity and additional checks are done properly.User dialog is simulated. | |
3. | What is Dataset and How you use it? Ans : - Dataset is data contained in a file in AS. To open operating system file you use OPEN DATASET function FOR OUTPUT or INPUT or Append Mode. | |
4. | What is a variant and Where do you use this? Ans :- Variant contains parameters for a program. You can run a program either using variant or directly. If you run directly you have to enter all the parameters and if you use variants you do not need to enter parameters. You can have many variants for a program. | |
6. | What is Field Symbol? Field Symbol are variables. Main advantage of the Field Symbol is you do not have to define field Type it can be of any type and any length depending on the field you assign at the runtime. Ex. FIELD_SYMBOLS ASSIGN LFAI - NAMEI TO | |
7. | What is Menu painter? And How do use it in your application? Ans :- Menu painter is tool to create Menus, Push Buttons assignments and from Screens. During run time you can assign any menu status to a screen. You assign a four-character function code for each function and you use OK-CODE to identify which function need to be run. You write code in PAI module for each function. | |
8. | What are the variables that start with SY-? Ans :- These are system variables like SY-DATUM System Date SY-SUBRC System Return Code 0- Success, 4 - failure These are the System Fields, you use this to generate a list SY-Title SY-pagct SY-Srows SY-scols These are used for interactive reporting SY-Curow SY-CUCOL | |
9. | What is Logical database and Explain about GET and PUT modules? Ans :- Faster Way of executing for selecting records. Logical database is not a physical database. It is logical database structure of tables where you specify the relationship between a set of related tables. Every logical database has root table & child nodes. If you want to use GET table command in your program you need to declare that related structure as a logical database. Once you specify the structure you set SELECT-OPTIONS and then Database Program and modify the code for PUT Forms. This PUT forms are executed whenever you use GET function in the code. | |
12. | What is Screen Painter? And How do you write a script for command Button? Ans :- Screen Painter is a tool to create a screens which can have User Input fields, Command buttons, Frames, Radio Buttons, Combo boxes, and Check boxes. Key point here is you need to specify OK-CODE (you can give any name but normally you use OK-CODE) For OK function and you declare same variable in Module Pool also. In PAI module using Case statements to determine which key was pressed. CASE OK-CODE WHEN DELE MODULE Delete _ Function. | |
| RHO Consulting | |
3. | HIDE Statement, how it works? Ans :- Detail lists allow you to present more information than is contained in the basic list. The user can, for example, select a line of the basic list for which he or she wants to see more detailed information. You then display the extra information in a detail list. This method requires that you have previously stored the contents of the selected line within the program. To do this, you use the ABAP statement HIDE, which saves the field contents for the current line. When you start a detail list for a list line that has HIDE fields, the system places their values into the corresponding variables in the program. In the program code, insert the HIDE statement directly after the WRITE statement for the current line. HIDE: WA-CONNID, WA-CARRID. | |
4. | Define RANGES statements, why you use in ABAP/4 programming? Ans :- In addition to selection tables that you create using SELECT-OPTIONS, you can use the RANGES statement to create internal tables that have the structure of selection tables. You can use these tables with certain restrictions the same way you use actual selection tables. | |
6. | What kind of Transaction did you use? Where did you use? Why did you use? Ans :- SE38 ABAP Editor SE16 Data dictionary | |
7. | What are the commands, which can be used only in screen, flow logic but not in ABAP? Ans :- | |
8. | How do you change the text (description which normally appears as non-editable on the screen) of the Table field? Ans :-You can change the text for Data element. For data element you have three different description text (short, medium and long). You can use any one of the texts. | |
9. | What do you know about profiles? How can you give an authorization to particular user? Ans :- A Profile is made up authorization. There are two types ;of Profiles single and composite. | |
10. | How did you do pricing? (including menu flow ) about policy Table ----> (Customer/Material ) ------> Access Sequence (price Customer discount Material ) ------> Condition type ------> Pricing Procedure ----------> procedure determination SD config -----> Functions ------> Pricing -------> Control Data -----> Environment -----> Create tables. 1. Maintain condition tables of fields that can be used as Conditions to check for in pricing. There is a fixed list of fields that can be checked. | |
11. | What did you do in payroll? Ans :- | |
12. | What did you do in customizing Org. structure? Ans :- Set up Company group, company code, controlling area, business Area, credit control area, financial management area, plants, storage Organization, distribution channel, division , shipping Points, loading points, plant sections, person groups, person subgroups, and Payroll subunits and mapped them. | |
13. | What did you do in Account Assignment in material management? And also about valuation class. Ans :- | |
14. | What are number ranges? How did you assign? Ans :- | |
15. | What did you do in Time Data? Ans :- | |
16. | What are infotypes? How did you use it? Do you remember any info types you used? Ans :- In HR module tables are calles Infotypes which contains data for employees and applicants. Infotypes used :- 0002 = Personal data. 0006 = Address. | |
17. | What type of materials did you use? Ans :- ROH Raw material HAWA Trading FERT Finished goods PROD Product Group WETT Competitive product | |
18. | What are the logical databases and tables did you use in MM and SD? Ans :- EMM Purchasing documents for material EKKO (Purchase Document Header) EKPO (Purchase document item) EKET (Delivery Schedules) EKPB (Material provided item in purchasing document) EKKN (Account assignment) EKBE (History of purchasing document) MSM Material Master MARAV View tabelle fuer die logische DB MGM MARM Quantity unit MBEWV View f=FCr logische Datebanken MVKE Material Master : Sales Data MARCV View f=FCr logische Datebanken MSM PROPF Forecast parameters MARD Material master : storage location / batch segment MCHB Batch stocks MKOL Special Stocks from vendor MLGN Material data for storage number MLGT Material data for storage type VFV Invoices in sales & Distribution VBRK Billing : Header Data VBUK Sales Document : Header Status and Administrative D VBPA Sales Document : Partner VBRP Billing : Item Data VBFA Sales Document Flow VBFAVG SD Document : Flow Records VBPAPO Item Partner in SD Document KONV Conditions (Procedure Data) | |
19. | How do you create logical database? Menu Sequence also. Ans :- CASE à Development à Work Bench à Other Object à EDIT à Logical Databases OR CASE à Development à Program Maintenance à ABAP Development à Utilities à Development / Test à Logical Databases | |
20. | Hierarchy of Data Dictionary? Ans :- Tables -> Fields -> Data elements -> Domains. | |
21. | What is the difference between Data elements and Domain? Ans: - A domain (Generic data types) describes the technical attributes of a field, such as the data type or the number of positions in a field. The domain defines primarily a value range describing the valid data values for the fields referring To this domain. Data elements (Specific data types) A data element is an elementary type. It describes the type attributes (data type, field length and possibly the number of decimal places) and screen information (explanatory text or field help) about unstructured data objects (table fields and structure fields or variables). Table fields and structure fields with the same contents should refer to the same data element. This ensures that the attributes of these fields are always consistent. A data element can be referenced in ABAP programs with TYPE. This permits you to define variables that take on the type attributes of the data element in an ABAP program. | |
22. | How the tables in logical databases are related to each other? Ans :- LD are related to each other by FK relationship to form a hierarchy | |
23. | What are the different relations between two entities? One-One, One-Many and Many-Many It is also called as cardinality. CN 0,1,More C 0, 1 N 1 or More 1 1 | |
24. | What is 3-tier architecture? What does that middle layer do? PS ----- AS ----- DBS. - Application server is a set of executables that collectively interpret the ABAP/4 programs and manage the input & output for them. | |
25. | What did you do in shipping? About the process? Ans: - Shipping Conditions are defined in Customer Master. (Table KNA1 (General Data)) Transportation groups are defined in Material Master. (Table MARA (General Data)) All valid leg combos must be configured in the system. (A leg is the link between a starting and a finishing point). The shipping point is defined for each order item The route groups legs together. Shipping à Delivery Order (create and save) à Picking à transfer orders (create & confirm) | |
26. | What are the different sections in Functions? Ans :- IMPORTING, EXPORTING and EXCEPTIONS. | |
27. | In your experience programming ABAP/4, What guidelines do you follow as best practices? Ans: - a) Store data in internal tables to reduce duplicate processing. b) Copy an existing process and changes it. c) Follow prescribed naming conventions for programs. d) Use an include statement (ZIU0001) from the main documentation block. e) For describing the content of the program, such as date, program author, purpose, list of parameters and specifies, list SAP tables used, and list external input/output, tables/files are used. | |
29. | Have you ever done any transaction program/development using ABAP/4, screen painter, and menu painter? If so, describe the steps or technique used to develop transactions? Ans: - The following list outlines the general steps that should be followed when developing a new SAP R/3 transaction. I do not have to be performed specifically to this sequence, but these topics/steps should be performed. 1. Preliminary work: Design the transaction, specify the transaction code in the system and enter the transaction attributes. 2. Define global data in the data dictionary. Determine which domains, data elements, and tables you want to use. 3. Create an ABAP/4 module pool. Create a module pool for the transaction and assign a name and attributes according to the customer naming conventions. 4. Define screens (Screen Painter): Paint your screens, that defines the positions and texts of the fields on the screen and assign appropriate names. In doing this, you point the Data Dictionary fields you have defined in the Data Dictionary, Define the attributes of all screens. 5. Define menus, windows, and function keys (Menu Painter): Define the interface for your transaction with menus, pop-up windows and function keys for each individual screen. Assign function code to each function that the user can execute. 6. Define screen flow logic. 7. Program the individual modules: Write the detailed processing logic, program and modules called in the screen flow logic, pass the data between the module pool and SAP memory, process the function codes from the interface and process the reports. 8. Create and program on-line messages: Create on-line messages and document them (in the form of texts) Call the messages in the appropriate modules. Observe the rules for error dialog. 9. Test the transaction. Test the transaction with the on-line debugging facility. Transport transaction programs : Transport your completed transaction to the production system Instance. | |
30. | Have you ever created a user-defined database in SAP/R3? If so how did you go about adding a user-defined database to the system? Ans :- To add a user-defined database to the system, the following steps are required. 1) Define the structure in the data dictionary. A. Go to the Data dictionary Maintenance screen. Fill in the name of the database you are defining B. Define the database structure To do this, select the object class tables for editing. In the resulting screen, fill in the necessary information about the database. C. Provide the database fields. Go to the field’s screen so those new fields can be entered into the system. You must atleast enter MANDT, RELID, SRTFD, SRTF2, CLUSTR and CLUSTD. When you have entered all the required fields save the record structure. D. Active the table. The table is now defined in the Data Dictionary and known to the system at large. Add the database to the system by going to the Database Create screen. There select processing method of in -line, so that the database has been created, you can now create database clusters with the EXPORT command or access the database records using SQL. | |
31. | Describe the basic framework of an ABAP/4 program? Ans :- The basic structure of an ABAP/4 program is as follows: REPORT report_name DATA : pagebreak (12) TYPE C, DATA : title (10) TYPE C, TABLES: ABC, DEF, XYZ. PARAMETERS: ABC-DSC. FIELD-GROUPS: FIELD-SYMBOLS INSERT INITIALISATION INCLUDE ASD0001 START-OF-SELECTION. Call to extract data from the database are performed here END-OF SELECTION. TOP-OF-PAGE END-OF-PAGE FORM Form_Name ENDFORM. | |
32. | What are the functional modules you have strong background? Ans :- FI, CO. | |
33. | What is the difference between a step-loop using internal table and a transparent table? Ans :- | |
Section A | ||
Please circle T(rue) or F(alse) for each of the following questions:- | ||
Move Corresponding is an effective way to move fields with like names from a DB table record to an internal table header line. (T / F). T |
| |
An append will add a record to a database table. (T / F). F |
| |
The COLLECT statement will total up all P, I and F fields in a database table. (T / F). F |
| |
The SELECT statement allows processing of an internal table. (T / F). F |
| |
The Loop at command allows you to use the WHERE clause. (T / F). T |
| |
An internal table can be deleted. Modified, or inserted without the use of index. (T / F).T |
| |
The SELECT command performs its own authorization check. (T / F).F |
| |
The WHERE clause in the SELECT SINGLE command is optional. (T / F).F |
| |
When using the GET and SET PARAMETER ID command the memory id must be defined to the Data Dictionary?. F |
| |
The SET PARAMETER command’s function is to create a storage location in memory and retrieve its contents?T |
| |
Section B | ||
There is only (1) correct answer for each of the following questions. Please circle the letter, which you think corresponds to the correct answer. | ||
A ‘LIKE’ statement is used to: (a) Move similar fields between the header areas of internal tables. (b) Set declared data fields to the same characteristics as a different data field. (c) Assign a default value to a parameter. (d) Pass parameters to a subroutine. Ans :- b. |
| |
All are examples of SAP events except: (a) Start of Selection. (b) End of Selection. (c) Top of Page. (d) New Page. Ans :- d |
| |
The best definition of the ABAP.4 workbench is: (a) A method of finding fields within the data dictionary. (b) A method of navigating between SAP objects and a method of establishing a hierarchy between related SAP objects. (c) A screen that contains the attributes for screens, programs, transactions, etc. (d) An easy way of creating objects in SAP. Ans :- b |
| |
Which is correct for reading an entire table, DBTAB, into an internal table, ITAB, structure that was previously defined? (a) SELECT * FROM DBTAB INTO ITAB. (b) SELECT SINGLE * FROM DBTAB INTO TABLE ITAB. (c) SELECT * FROM DBTAB INTO TABLE ITAB. (d) READ DBTAB INTO TABLE ITAB. Ans :- c |
| |
| |
A ‘MOVE-CORRESPONDING’ command: (a) Moves all data from an internal table into a database table. (b) Moves all like named fields from one field string to another. (c) Adds all numeric fields in a totals column. (d) Allows you to declare an internal table to have the same structure as database table. Ans :- b |
| |
A ten byte long character field, WS-CUSTNUM, would be declared as: (a) WS_CUSTNUM TYPE C. (b) DATA WS_CUSTNUM LIKE SPLAN-TIDI. (c) DATA WS_CUSTNUM (10) TYPE CHAR. (d) DATA WS_CUSTNUM (10) TYPE C. Ans :- d |
| |
Each record within a database table is specified by: (a) A specific index number or SY-TABIX. (b) A unique key structure which can be same for multiple records within the table. (c) One field, Known as the key field, that is specified to each record. (d) A unique key structure which consists of any number of fields and must be unique for each record within the database. Ans :- d |
| |
To set an initial value in the parameter, CUSTNO, what word is required in the following statement to complete the syntax: PARAMETERS: CUSTNO(10) TYPE C____________’0000111008’=20 (a) Value. (b) Default. (c) Initial. (d) Like. Ans :- a |
| |
Which of the following does not have an END associated with it? (a) LOOP. (b) DO. (c) GET. (d) SELECT. Ansc :- c |
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
IBM abap interview Questions phase - 1
- What Are Views?
- How To Create a View on an Existing Table?
- How To See Existing Views?
- How To Drop Existing Views from a Database?
- How To Get a List of Columns in a View using "sys.columns"?
- How To Get a List of Columns in a View using the "sp_columns" Stored Procedure?
- How To Get a List of Columns in a View using the "sp_help" Stored Procedure?
- How To Generate CREATE VIEW Script on an Existing View?
- How To Get the Definition of a View Out of the SQL Server?
- Can You Create a View with Data from Multiple Tables?
- Can You Create a View using Data from Another View?
- What Happens If You Delete a Table That Is Used by a View?
- Can You Use ORDER BY When Defining a View?
- How To Modify the Underlying Query of an Existing View?
- Can You Insert Data into a View?
- Can You Update Data in a View?
- Can You Delete Data from a View?
- How To Assign New Column Names in a View?
- How Column Data Types Are Determined in a View?
- How To Bind a View to the Schema of the Underlying Tables?
- How To Bind a View to the Schema of the Underlying Tables?
- How To Create an Index on a View?
- What are Functional Specifications?
- GAP Analysis
- Difference between Implementation, Support, Upgrade and Roll out projects
- Sample Functional Specification Template
- Business Benefits of SAP ERP
- Transporting table entries from one server to another
- Unit of Measure - Rounding of decimal places
- Tracking the transaction codes of the IMG activities
- Working with screen variants
- Enhance SPRO to add customized views
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Production Planning (PP)
- Types of Subcontracting
- Difference between Co-Product and Bi-Product with an example
- Converting Planned Orders to Purchase Requisitions and Purchase Orders
- Routing Vs Task list Vs Work Procedure
- Production Order Splitting
- Repetitive Manufacturing Cycle
- Typical Production cycle in Process Industry
- MRP Run in background for all Network Plants
SAP Financials (FI)
- Check duplicate creation of Vendor Master that have the same address data through standard SAP settings
- Validation rules in FI
- Defining Asset Number Range
- Steps to configure Document text in Customer Invoice Entry (FB70) transaction
- Understanding Lockbox
- Information on FICA (Finance and Contract Accouting)
- Comparison of FI and FICA
Tutorials on SAP Data Dictionary
- Automatically populating the search hlep values into different fields on the selection screen by using search help exit
- Providing multiple selection options in Search help
- Creating a projection view
- Comparison of Transparent, Pool and Cluster tables
- Adding new values in Standard Domain
- Creation of a table pool and pooled table
- Row level locking of database tables
- Creation of a View cluster
- Creation of a Logical Database
- Working with Table Maintenance Generator
- Creating a secondary index
- Creating Search helps (Elementary and collective)
- Creating a structure in ABAP Dictionary
- Creating a Transparent Table
Tutorials on SAP-ABAP
- Scheduling Background jobs
- Converting an XML file with many hierarchy levels to ABAP format
- FTP file transfer in Background
- Understanding "Coverage Analyzer"
- Understanding "Checkpoint Group"
- Understanding ABAP Unit
- Downloading report output into Excel using OLE
- Dynamic SELECT statement Creating a Tabstrip on the selection screen
- Displaying 3D Graphs in ABAP
- Creating a dynamic selection screen on a report
- Creating a Function Module
- Downloading file on to the application server
- Demo on Interactive reporting (One more example)
- Developing a simple interactive report
- A real-time example on sending PDF file as an email (Complete program)
- HR Infotype Creation
- Creation of a Dynamic Internal table
- Creation of a Number Range Object
- Download data from tables with user defined delimiters
- Create / Modify / Delete records in any table from CSV file
- ABAP Performance Standards
- Differences between LSMW and BDC
- Debugging Update Task and Back-ground Task
- System debugging - Explained in detail Updating Material Master long text (BASIC DATA TEXT, INSPECTION TEXT and INTERNAL COMMENT)
- Calling an RFC function module from one system to another
- Object oriented programming (OOP) explained with an example
- Creating F1 helps with ease
- Dynamic Variant in a report
- Working with Menu Painter
- The Features of ABAPTM New Editor - Part 1
- The Features of ABAPTM New Editor - Part 2
- Displaying Graphics using ABAP Program
- Using Sorted table and Index while processing internal tables
- Implementing events in Table Maintenance
- Handling favorites in ABAP Workbench
- Calling a web service in ABAP that validates an email id
- Creation of a web service in SAP
- Changing the text "Sales Order" to "Billing Request" in the transactions VA01, VA02 and VA03
- Understanding SQL Trace
- ABAP Performance Tuning Checklist
- ABAP Programming standards
- E-mailing the background jobs
- Creating a Transaction Variant
- Performance Tuning using Parallel Cursor
- Scheduling a background job by triggering an event
- Creating Dynamic Patterns
- Custom Parameter-id Creation
- Display images (like company logo) on the selection-screen
- Creating Dynamic variant using table TVARV
- Dynamic Selection Screen (Drop downs, pushbuttons, radio buttons, icons)
- Adding custom context menu in classical list
- Convert internal table data into HTML using Function Modules
- Convert internal table data into HTML with out using Function Modules
- PDF Viewer
- Program to Upload or Download a report along with ...
- Download/Upload a program along with PF-Status, Text elements, documentation and others
- Using Code Templates
- Issue billing document output in XML format
- Include translations in a transport request
SAP Enterprise Portals (EP)
- Basics of Enterprise Portal development using Java
- Viewing the solution manager documents on ESS or on web by deploying the same as a link
- Create and Export Transport request in Enterprise Portal
- Role Transfer from Enterprise Portal to SAP
- Role Transfer from SAP to Enterprise Portal
- Running multiple versions of NWDS in one PC
- Reuse Java Dictionary Types in Web Dynpro Development Components
ABAP Interview Questions
- SAP ABAP Technical Questions ( Data Dictonary )
- SAP ABAP Real Time Questions
- SAP ABAP Reports Questions
- SAP ABAP Internal Tables Questions
- SAP Scripts and Smart Forms Questions
- SAP ABAP Scripts Question and Answers Part 1
- SAP ABAP Scripts Question and Answers Part 2
- SAP ABAP Scripts Question and Answers Part 3
- SAP ABAP Scripts Question and Answers Part 4
- SAP ABAP Scripts Question and Answers Part 5
- SAP ABAP Scripts Question and Answers Part 5
- SAP ABAP Scripts Question and Answers Part 6
- SAP ABAP Scripts Question and Answers Part 7
- SAP ABAP BDC Programs Questions 1
- SAP ABAP BDC Programs Questions 2
- SAP ABAP BDC Programs Questions 3
- SAP ABAP Report Programming Questions 1
- SAP ABAP Report Programming Questions 2
- SAP ABAP Report Programming Questions 3
- SAP ABAP Report Programming Questions 4
- SAP ABAP Report Programming Questions 5
- SAP ABAP Report Programming Questions 6
- SAP ABAP Report Programming Questions 7
- SAP ABAP BDC , LSMW, Conversions Questions
- SAP ABAP Written Test Questions
- Sample Test Questions on SAP ABAP Programming
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4
- Part 5
- Part 6
- 100 SAP ABAP Interview Questions
- SAP ABAP Technical Interview Questions( Data Dicto...
- SAP ABAP Certification Questions
- SAP ABAP Questions with Answers
Adobe Interactive Forms Tutorials
- Getting started with Adobe Forms with a simple exercise
- Create table
- Create table using subform
- Using Alternative in Adobe Forms
- Using Text Modules in Adobe Forms
- Value help in Adobe interactive forms
- Making subform behave as table and data part as body row
- Using Where conditions to relate header and item tables in Adobe forms
- Demo on Nested tables
- Achieving Control levels functionality in Adobe Forms.
- Calculating Page-wise Sub-Totals and Grand Total in Adobe forms
- Including the Standard Texts (SO10) and any other Long Texts in the Adobe Forms
- Scenario on displaying logo, background image and fetching data from multiple tables
- Printing Address using Business Address Services (BAS)
- Printing Address without using Business Address Services (BAS)
- Configuring the Adobe Forms / Smart forms / SAP Script to the output type in NACE
- Demo on Adobe interactive forms using WebDynpro for ABAP Part 1
- Demo on Adobe forms using WebDynpro for ABAP Part 2
- Printing labels using Adobe Forms
- Migration of an SAP Smart form to Adobe Form
- Using Multiple Master and Body pages
- Sending an Adobe form as an attachment in an email
- Uploading a PDF file in an Adobe Form offline scenario
- Sending an Adobe form as an attachment in an email
- Offline scenario to download an adobe form using Web Dynpro for ABAP.
- Offline scenario to upload a filled-in adobe form using Web Dynpro for ABAP
- Using Web Services in Adobe Forms
- Achieving Conditional-breaks in Adobe Forms
- Online Scenario - Travel Request Form
- Steps for creating a Web Dynpro Component for Adobe interactive Forms using the Enumerated Drop Down Box
- Upload Photos/images into custom table & Print in Adobe form
- Adding rows dynamically in a table using interactive Adobe Forms
- Hiding a Field Using Javascript in Adobe Form based on the condition
- Sending Adobe forms as “PDF” attachment using Email Submit Button
- Custom Dialog Box Message while Saving the Adobe Form without filling the Mandatory Fields
- Digital signature in Adobe forms
- Validation of date and calculation of the number of days between two dates using Java Script
- Quick testing for Adobe Forms
Tutorials on Object Oriented Programming(ABAP)
- Dialog processing after COMMIT WORK statement
- Event Handler Technique in Object oriented ABAP
- Handling Data in Excel In-place Display Using BDS
- Redefining methods in subclass
- Final Classes and Methods in Object Oriented Programming
- Abstract Classes and Methods in Object Oriented Programming
- Demo on "Narrow Casting"
- Understanding "ABAP Unit"
- Binding in ABAP Object Oriented Programming
- Implementing Persistent Service using Transaction Service
- Persistent Objects: Using GUID Object Identity
- Persistent Objects: Using Business Key Identity
- Persistent Objects: A Quick reference
- Create a transaction for a local class method
- Creating global class from a local class
- Working with interfaces
- Working with events in a global class
- Using ABAP Classes in Workflow
- Enhancing a Standard Class
- Working on Polymorphism
- Working with import, export and change parameters of a class
- Inserting data into the database table using Classes
- Working with Constructor
- Working with inheritance
- Working with the keyword SUPER in object oriented programming
- Global Class Functionality - Step-by-step with screenshots
- Demo program illustrating Interfaces
- Demo program illustrating Inheritance
- Demo program illustrating Simple class and Super class
- Object oriented programming (OOP) explained with an example
- Understanding the concepts of Object Oriented Programming
Step-by-step Tutorials on Object Oriented Programming
SAP Query
- Creating Ad Hoc query (HCM related infoset query)
- Developing SAP Query for Task List Data Extraction
- Transport of SAP Query objects
- Setting the Expiry date in SAP Query
- SAP Query for getting hourly background job status
- Building an SAP Query using ABAP Code
- Development of Basic List Query using SAP Query
- Configuration for SAP Query
- Working with infosets/User Groups/Query in detail
- What is SAP Query? Purpose and Advantages of SAP Query?
Step-by-step Tutorials
Business Server Pages (BSP)
- Building a simple BSP Application
- Building a simple BSP Application to retrieve Material information
- A Simple BSP application to select a range of Sales Document and Display the result on the next Page
- Providing F4 help in the BSP Application
- Providing list box in the BSP Application
- Using controller in BSP Application
- Building interactive BSP Application
- Displaying table contents on the BSP Application
- Navigating and data transfer between different pages
- Create Server-Side Cookies
- Create Client-Side Cookies
- Simple BSP Application Using HTMLB components on TableView, group by Radiobutton and Dropdown list box
- BSP Application using a Tree
- BSP Application using MVC Architecture - Displaying Business Partner data using a BAPI
- BSP Application using Date Navigator Control
- BSP Application using Tabstrip
- Creating a simple BSP Application using AJAX
- Simple BSP application to Create, Modify and Delete the database entries
- Resume application using BSP
- XML generation from BSP
- Simple BSP Application to validate the date fields in Front end using JAVASCRIPT.
- BSP application to download the table contents into excel sheet
- Steps to integrate Business Server pages (BSP) with ADOBE FLEX
Integrating SAP data (R/3 or BW Data) with the BO-Xcelsius (Business Objects) using BSP
- Part 1: SAP BSP + BO-Xcelsius (Excel XML Maps Connection)
- Part 2: SAP BSP + BO-Xcelsius (web Service Connection)
- Part 3: SAP BSP + BO-Xcelsius (XML Data Connection)
- Consuming Web Service with WSDL file through BSP
Step-by-step Tutorials
Enhancement Framework
- Picking material description from custom table in the SAP Sales Order (VA01 and VA02) using enhancement framework
- Setting the screen elements as mandatory in the transaction DP95 using Enhancement Framework
- Scenario on Enhancement Framework
- Restrict the modification of Delivery item texts - Using Implicit enhancement technique
- BADI implementation for transaction FB60
- BADI implementation for transaction CS01
- Adding a field (material group) in the layout of Batch Information Cockpit (BMBC)
- Fallback class in a BADI
- Step by Step guide on BADI with Filter implementation
- SStep by Step guide on BADI Multiple use implementation
- Defining and implementing a BADI (step-by-step with screenshots)
- Defining and implementing BADI (With better screenshots)
- Understanding Business Add-ins (BADI)
- Filtering the work items in the SAP inbox using BADI
- Implementing the BADI for the transactions VL02 & MM02
- Exercise on BADI
User Exits/Screen Exits/Menu Exits
- Printing Attachments Of Work Order Via IW32
- Adding Fields to CJI3 Report
- Screen Exit for Notification Header (TCode: IW21) and show the custom fields in standard report for notifications (IW28, IW29)
- Automatically filling the field "Payment Terms" and disable the same while creating PO using the transaction ME22N
- Modifications to the SAP standard menu
- Working with Menu Exits
- Adding custom fields to the transaction CS01,CS02 and CS03 (Bill of Materials)
- Adding custom fields to the Purchase Order transaction ME22N
- Implementing Screen Exits for the transaction MIGO
- Implementing Screen Exit for the transaction CO01
- Changing the description of the standard SAP fields
- Implementing Screen Exit in "CJ01"
- Adding a custom screen in XD01
- Implementing Screen Exit for MM01/MM02/MM03
- How to implement a screen exit to a SAP Standard transaction
- Finding user exits using a TCode
- Working with User Exits
- Implementing Field Exit for the transaction MK01
- Adding custom fields using EEWB Transaction
Business Transaction Events (BTE)
- Scenario on triggering a BTE when a vendor is changed (Transaction FK02)
- Adding custom fields to the FI report FBL5N using BTEs
- E-mail EFT Remittance using BTE
- Step by step procedure to enhance the BP using BDT
eCATT (extended Computer Aided Test Tool)
- What is eCATT and why eCATT?
- Differences between CATT and eCATT
- eCATT Prerequisites
- eCATT vs Mercury QTP
- Creating a simple eCATT test script for MM02 transection
- Starting eCATT with TCD Recording method
- Starting eCATT with SAP GUI Recording method
- Creating a simple eCATT test script using ABAP Object
- Parameterization in eCATT
- Testing "Creation of a Sales Order"
- Integration script to create a sales order as well as delivery
- Debugging in eCATT
Web Dynpro for ABAP (Step by step procedure for web dynpro,Tutorials on Web Dynpro,)
- Building a simple application using Web Dynpro for ABAP
- Displaying Text box and radio buttons using "Web Dynpro for ABAP"
- Implementing enhancements in a view
- Creating a Web Dynpro ALV application in 30 easy steps
- Calling an URL on click of a button
- Exporting internal table contents to Excel file
- Deleting a row from the Web Dynpro table
- Sorting a table column in a Web Dynpro application
- ALV Table with Business Graphics
- Usage of Modal Dialog Box in Web Dynpro Component
- OVS help in the Web Dynpro application
- Usage of ALV Function elements and making a column editable
- Using Select-Options in Web Dynpro application
- Reusability of components in Web Dynpro for ABAP
- Using an ALV with Dynamic Context Nodes in Web Dynpro
- Dynamic Modification UI Hierarchy
- Navigation from one View to other View along with parameters using Plugs with out using Component Controller context
- Calling a Web Dynpro application from another Web Dynpro application
- Using Supply Function method in Web Dynpro
- Pop up a screen when a specific event has been triggered
- Creating Business Graphs in Web Dynpro
- Creating Transaction Code for Web Dynpro Applications
- Dynamic views in a Window
- Demo scenario on Adobe Forms using ABAP Web Dynpro Part 1
- Demo scenario on Adobe Forms using ABAP Web Dynpro Part 2
- Demo on inserting a logo using ABAP Web Dynpro
- Displaying an image or logo in Web Dynpro application without using MIME object
- Building Tree structure in Web Dynpro application and Calling another Web Dynpro application on clicking the nodes
- Demo on displaying list box with the option for se...
- Uploading Excel sheet using Web Dynpro for ABAP
- Enable/Disable & Show/Hide UI Elements during runtime in Web Dynpro for ABAP
- Working with roadmap UI element
- Getting started with Floor Plan Manager
- Translations in Web Dynpro for ABAP
- Passing values from one Web Dynpro application to another Web Dynpro application
- Programming dynamic ALV in ABAP Web Dynpro
- Dynamically selecting the view from the browser through Web Dynpro application parameter
- Creating layout from an existing PDF file and capture the values into Web Dynpro attributes
- Enhancing Standard Web-dypnro Component
- Scenario on making input enabled table using Web Dynpro for ABAP
- Using Tab strips in Web Dynpro for ABAP
- Dropdown by Index using ALV in Web Dynpro for ABAP
- Reading Component controller’s context node from view without mapping in Web Dynpro for ABAP
- Integrating WD Application with Microsoft Sharepoint
- Totals and Subtotals in ALV Web Dynpro
- How to search Web Dynpro component for a particular method or statement?
- OVS multiple value selection
- Freely Programmed Value Help in the WebDynpro application
- Steps for creating a Web Dynpro Component for Adobe interactive Forms using the Enumerated Drop Down Box
- Creating static table with 5 empty rows in interactive form using Web Dynpro ABAP
- Using Progress indicator UI Element at Table Control
- Opening SAP Transaction Code in SAP GUI Window from WebDynpro through URL (Transactional iView)
- Demo on Web Dynpro Configurator
Tutorials on BAPI
- One more example on step-by-step creation of a BAPI (in elaborated steps)
- Step-by-step creation of a BAPI with necessary screenshots.
- A real-time example on using BAPI (Complete program)
- Standard BAPI change / Function Group enhancement procedure
- Create Customer Quotation (BAPI_QUOTATION_CREATEFROMDATA2 ) with BAPI Extension
- Parking a Document in FI using BAPI
- Creating Sales Scheduling Agreement with Extensions using BAPI
ALV Tutorials
- Creating dynamic ALV with dynamic editable columns and dynamic colors to the columns based on condition
- Adding PF-Status, Header and Footer in ALV using class CL_SALV
- Hiding the print info of the ALV list in the spool
- Create, Modify and Delete entries dynamically from any custom table by using Object Oriented ALV
- Coloring of the cells in the F4 help of ALV
- Printing a line after every subtotaling in ALV
- Increasing the width of the spool when using ALV List
- Simple interactive ALV Tree calling ALV list display
- Display text 'Total' in ALV using Object Oriented Programming
- ALV with user-defined menu on toolbar
- Simple ALV Tree report (6-levels)
- Interactive ALV report using OOPS
- ALV with editable F4
- ALV Styles in Field catalogue using OOPS
- ALV drag and drop functionality on its rows
- ALV with user-defined buttons on toolbar
- Add custom sub-menu in ALV Context menu
- Editable Field catalogue for ALV display
- ALV code for simple hierarchical sequential list display (single child)
- ALV with EDIT and SAVE functionality
- Display subtotal text in ALV grid
- Demo program on interactive ALV using REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY
- Dropdown list in ALV
- ALV in a Pop up window and ALV in a dialog box
- ALV Interface Check
- Displaying ALV on the Selection Screen
- Changing Font style in ALV
- Dynamic ALV List generation
- Simple ALV report with its output transposed (rows as columns and columns as rows)
- Problem with ALV Grid Top-of-Page - How to print more than 60 characters?
- Printing ALV list with Page Numbers
- Printing Subtotals at the end of an ALV List
- Highlighting only a particular cell instead of entire row in ALV Grid
- Demo program on ALV Blocked list display
- Displaying Lights (Red, Green, Yellow) in ALV
- Working with ALV Layout variant
- Sample ALV Grid program using the function module REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY
- Displaying Logo in ALV
- Building Interactive ALV list using 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY'.
- Demo program to color particular row or column or cell of an ALV list using 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY'
- Demo program to color the contents of a field based on a condition using 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY'
- Highlighting the visited record on the basic list (ALV) on pressing BACK button in the secondary list using 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY'.
- Colored Excel output (Multiple Colors, Bold and others) using ALV
- Achieving Page Breaks using ALV Grid
- Demo program on ALV Tree Control
- Excluding a column from ALV Display using CL_SALV_TABLE Class.
- Displaying the data in various languages using ALV
- Working with Multiple dynamic internal tables
Tutorials on LSMW
1. Uploading Vendor Master Data using Direct Input Method
2. Uploading Vendor Master Data using Recording Method
3. Migrating Customer data along with relationships (CRM)
4. Step-By-Step Guide for LSMW using ALE/IDOC Method
5. Uploading Purchase Info records using IDOC Method
6. Migration of Bank data using BAPI in LSMW
7. Using BAPI in LSMW (Uploading PO data)
8. Uploading Material Master data using BAPI method
9. Uploading Material Master data using Recording Method
10. Update Customer Master records using Batch Input
11. Uploading Material Master records using Direct Input Method
12. Differences between LSMW and BDC
13. Copying LSMW object from one client to another
14. When Standard BAPI has to be modified for using in LSMW
15. Using routines and exception handling in LSMW
17. Uploading long text for Material Master 'Purchase Order Text"
18.Handling multiple recordings in LSMW
19. Creating Normal program (BDC, ALV Report) by using LSMW in non-development clients
Blog Archive
- sap abap program for A SAP Pop-out Calculator
- IBM abap interview Questions phase - final 1
- IBM abap interview Questions phase - final 2
- IBM abap interview Questions phase - final -3
- IBM abap interview Questions phase - A
- IBM abap interview Questions phse - B
- IBM abap interview Questions phase - c
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- IBM abap interview Questions phase - e
- IBM abap interview Questions phase - 1
- IBM abap interview Questions phase - 2
- IBM abap interview Questions phase - 3
- IBM abap interview Questions Phase - 4
- Abap interview Qustions
- Important Ale Idocs Faqs
- Sap ABAP Dictionary Faqs
- Important sap Smartforms faqs
- important abap script faqs
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