Monday, March 10, 2008

SAP Glossary

Here are a few Terms used in SAP. The detailed list can be had in on-line help of SAP.

- A -


Materials Management Automatic Account Assignment (configured with transaction omwb)


Advanced Business Application Programming/4, the Fourth generation programming language developed by SAP to develop application programs. The program can be executed/tested without saving the same.

Account determination

System function that determines automatically the accounts in financial accounting to which the amount(s) in question should be posted for the user during any posting transaction.


Asset Management Module

Application Link Enabling

Application Link Enabling (ALV) supports the creation and operation of distributed applications and application integration is achieved via synchronous and asynchronous communication , not via a central database. Provides business-controlled message exchange with consistent data on loosely linked SAP applications.


Advanced Planner & Optimizer


Tool for creating the graphical models that describe the functionality and integration of the SAP R/3 System.


Available-to-promise is the quantity of a material or part still available to MRP which can be used for new sales orders.


Allowing a person/system/module to have a specified access limitations. An authorization specifies one or more permissible values for each of the authorization fields that are listed in an authorization object.

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