Keywords | Description | Beschreibung |
, [, ], {, } | Syntax conventions, Syntax notation | Syntax-Konventionen, Syntax-Notation |
*, " | Comments | Kommentare |
** | Arithm. Operator: Exponentiation (COMPUTE) | Arithm. Operator: Exponentiation (COMPUTE) |
+, -, *, / | Arithmetical operators (COMPUTE) | Arithm. Operatoren (COMPUTE) |
->, =>, ->>, ~, ?= | Operators in ABAP Objects | Operatoren in ABAP Objects |
ABS | Mathematical function: Absolute amount COMPUTE) | Mathem. Funktion: Absolutbetrag (COMPUTE) |
ACOS | Mathematical function: Cosine arc (COMPUTE) | |
ADD | Add | |
ADD-CORRESPONDING | Field string addition | |
ADJACENT DUPLICATES | Delete duplicates from internal table (DELETE) | |
AND | Comparison operator: and | |
ANY TABLE | Generic table type for internal tables | |
APPEND | Append line to internaltable | |
ASIN | Mathematical function: Sine arc (COMPUTE) | |
ASSIGN | Assign field symbol | |
AT | Event, control break, field group determination | |
ATAN | Mathematical function: Tangent arc | |
AUTHORITY-CHECK | Check authorization | |
AVG | Aggregate expression: Average (SELECT) | |
BACK | Positioning in list | |
BETWEEN | Relational operator: Between | |
BINARY SEARCH | Binary read of internaltable (READ TABLE) | |
BIT-NOT | Bit calculation operator: NOT (COMPUTE) | |
BIT-AND | Bit calculation operator: AND (COMPUTE) | |
BIT-OR | Bit calculation operator: OR (COMPUTE) | |
BIT-XOR | Bit calculation operator: AND/OR (COMPUTE) | |
SET BIT | Set bit of an X field | |
GET BIT | Read bit of an X field | |
BLANK LINES | Switch on blank lines in list | |
BREAK-POINT | Stop processing in debug mode | |
C | Data type for fixed-length character string | |
CA | Contains any characters -Relational operator forstring comparison | |
CALL | Call external component | |
CASE | Begin case distinction | |
CATCH | Exception handling (catch runtime errors) | |
CEIL | Mathematical function: Smallest whole value | |
CENTERED | Output format: Centered(WRITE) | |
CHECK | Check condition | |
CHECKBOX | Display as checkbox | |
PARAMETERS ... AS CHECKBOX | on the selection screen | |
WRITE ... AS CHECKBOX | in a list | |
CLASS | Definition of a class | |
CLASS-DATA | Static attributes in classes | |
CLASS-METHODS | Static methods in classes | |
CLASS-EVENTS | Static events in classes | |
CLASS-POOL | Introduction for type Kprograms | |
CLEAR | Initialize data object | |
CLIENT | Client handling when | |
DELETE ... CLIENT SPECIFIED | deleting from a database | |
EXPORT ... TO DATABASE ... CLIENT | Storing a data cluster | |
IMPORT ... FROM DATABASE ... CLIENT | Reading a data cluster | |
EXPORT ... TO SHARED BUFFER ... CLIENT | Storing a data cluster | |
IMPORT ... FROM SHARED BUFFER ... CLIENT | Reading a data cluster | |
INSERT ... CLIENT SPECIFIED | inserting into a database | |
MODIFY ... CLIENT SPECIFIED | Insert/Modify in database(s) | |
SELECT ... CLIENT SPECIFIED | reading from a database | |
UPDATE ... CLIENT SPECIFIED | updating a database | |
CLOSE | Close file/cursor | |
CN | Contains Not Only - Relational operator for character comparison: | |
CNT | Field groups: Number ofdifferent values | |
CO | Contains Only - Relational operator for character comparison: | |
CODE PAGE | Character set | |
TRANSLATE ... FROM/TOCODE PAGE | Translate character codes | |
COLLECT | Internal table: Add entries | |
COLOR | Output format: Color (FORMAT) | |
COMMENT | Comment on selection screen | |
SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT | Generate comment | |
COMMIT | Close processing unit | |
COMMUNICATION | Data exchange | |
COMPUTE | Perform calculations | |
CONCATENATE | Concatenate character fields | |
CONDENSE | Condense character fields | |
CONSTANTS | Defing constants | |
CONTEXTS | Communicate contexts | |
CONTINUE | Exit current loop pass | |
CONTROLS | Define controls for visualization | |
CONVERT | Convert fields | |
COS | Mathematical function: Cosine (COMPUTE) | |
COSH | Mathematical function: Hyperbola cosine (COMPUTE) | |
COUNT | Aggregate expression: Count (SELECT) | |
COUNTRY | Set country ID (SET) | |
CP | Relational operator forcharacter comparison: | |
DATABASE | Contains Pattern | |
CREATE | Generate an object or data object | |
CS | Contains character - Relational operator forcharacter comparison | |
CURRENCY | Output format: Correct format for currency (WRITE) | |
CURSOR | Cursor | |
CLOSE | Close database cursor | |
FETCH NEXT CURSOR | Read lines with a database cursor | |
GET CURSOR FIELD | Get field name | |
OPEN CURSOR | Open database cursor | |
SET CURSOR | Position cursor | |
CUSTOMER-FUNCTION | Call customer enhancement | |
DATA | Define data | |
DATABASE | Data cluster | |
DELETE FROM DATABASE | Delete from a database table | |
EXPORT ... TO DATABASE | Store in a databasetable | |
IMPORT ... FROM DATABASE | Read from a database table | |
DATASET | Sequential file | |
CLOSE DATASET | Close file | |
DELETE DATASET | Delete file | |
EXPORT ... TO DATASET | Store data cluster in file | |
IMPORT ... FROM DATASET | Read data cluster from file | |
OPEN DATASET Open file | Open file | |
READ DATASET | Read from a file | |
TRANSFER | Output to a file | |
DECIMALS | Output format: Places after the decimal point - (WRITE) | |
DEFINE | Define macro | |
DELETE | Delete from tables or from objects | |
DEMAND | Request information from a context | |
DESCRIBE | Determine attributes ofdata objects | |
DIALOG | Call a dialog module (CALL) | |
DISTINCT | Duplicates | |
SELECT DISTINCT | Selection set without duplicates | |
AVG( DISTINCT ... ) | Average without duplicates (SELECT) | |
COUNT( DISTINCT ... ) | Sequential file | |
MAX( DISTINCT ... ) | Maximum without duplicates (SELECT) | |
MIN( DISTINCT ... ) | Minimum without duplicates (SELECT) | |
SUM( DISTINCT ... ) | Sum without duplicates (SELECT) | |
DIV | Arithmetic operator: Whole number division | |
DIVIDE | Divide | |
DIVIDE-CORRESPONDINGField string division | Field string division | |
DO | Loop | |
DYNPRO Screen | Screen | |
DELETE DYNPRO Delete | Delete | |
EXPORT DYNPRO Export | Export | |
GENERATE DYNPRO Generate | Generate | |
IMPORT DYNPRO Import | Import | |
EDITOR-CALL | Call editor | |
ELSE | Query | |
ELSEIF | Query | |
END-OF-DEFINITION | End of a macro definition | |
END-OF-PAGE | Event: End of page handling in lists | |
END-OF-SELECTION | Event: After processingof all records in a LDB | |
ENDAT | End of an event introduced by AT | |
ENDCASE | End of case distinction | |
ENDCATCH | End of exception handling | |
ENDDO | End of a DO loop | |
ENDEXEC | End of a Native SQL statement | |
ENDFORM | End of a subroutine | |
ENDFUNCTION | End of a function module | |
ENDIF | End of a query | |
ENDINTERFACE | End of an interface definition | |
ENDLOOP | End of a LOOP | |
ENDMODULE | End of a module definition | |
ENDON | End of a conditional statement | |
ENDPROVIDE | End of a PROVIDE loop | |
ENDSELECT | End of a SELECT loop | |
ENDWHILE | End of a WHILE loop | |
EQ | Relational operator: Equals | |
EXEC SQL | Native SQL statement | |
EXIT | Exit loop or terminate processing | |
EXP | Mathematical function: Exponential function | |
EXPONENT | Output format: Exponentdisplay (WRITE) | |
EXPORT | Export data | |
EXTENDED CHECK | Switch extended syntax check on/off (SET) | |
EXTRACT | Generate extract dataset | |
FETCH | Read line from a database table | |
FIELD-GROUPS | Define field groups | |
FIELD-SYMBOLS | Define field symbols | |
FLOOR | Mathematical function:Largest whole value | |
FORM | Define subroutine | |
FORMAT | Output format for lists | |
FOR UPDATE | Read database table with lock (SELECT) | |
FRAC | Mathematical function: Fraction (COMPUTE) | |
FREE | Release resources no longer needed | |
FUNCTION | Define function module | |
CALL FUNCTION | Call function module | |
FUNCTION-POOL | Introduction for type Fprograms | |
GE | Relational operator: Greater than or equal | |
GENERATE | Generate a program or screen | |
GET | Event, read settings | |
GT | Relational operator: Greater than | |
HASHED TABLE | Table type for internalhashed tables | |
HEADER LINE | Define an internal table with header line (DATA) | |
HELP-ID | Help ID for F1 help | |
DESCRIBE FIELD ... HELP-ID | Determine help ID | |
HELP-REQUEST | Self-programmed help (F1) | |
PARAMETERS ... HELP-REQUEST | for parameters | |
SELECT-OPTIONS ... HELP-REQUEST | for selection options | |
HIDE | Store line information | |
HOTSPOT | Output format: Hotspot,interaction by simple - mouse click (FORMAT) | |
ICON | Icons in lists | |
IF | Query | |
IMPORT | Import data or a screen | |
IN | Relational operator: Selection criterion | |
INCLUDE | Include program components | |
INDEX | Line index in an internal table | |
DELETE ... INDEX | Delete line | |
INSERT ... INDEX | Insert line | |
MODIFY ... INDEX | Modify line | |
READ TABLE ... INDEX | Read line | |
INFOTYPES | Declare HR info type | |
INITIAL | Relational operator: Initial value | |
INITIAL SIZE | Define an internal table type (TYPES) | |
INITIALIZATION | Event: Before display of the selection screen | |
INPUT | Output format: Ready for input (FORMAT) | |
INSERT | Insert into tables or objects | |
INTENSIFIED | Output format: Intensified (FORMAT) | |
INTERFACE | Definition of an interface | |
INTERFACES | Class component interface | |
INTERFACE-POOL | Introduction fortype J programs | |
INVERSE | Output format: Inverse (FORMAT) | |
IS | Relational operator | |
IS ASSIGNED | Relational operator: Is the field symbol assigned? | |
IS INITIAL | Relational operator: Initial value | |
IS REQUESTED | Relational operator: Existence of a formal | |
parameter | ||
JOIN | Join (SELECT) | |
LANGUAGE | Set language for text elements (SET) | |
LE | Relational operator: Less than or equal | |
LEAVE | Leave processing | |
LEFT-JUSTIFIED | Output format: Left-justified (WRITE) | |
LIKE | Use an existing field as areference | |
TYPES ... LIKE | Create a type | |
DATA ... LIKE | Create a field | |
LINE | Line in a list | |
MODIFY LINE | Modify line | |
READ LINE | Read line | |
LINE-COUNT | Number of lines per page (NEW-PAGE) | |
LINE-SIZE | Line size (NEW-PAGE) | |
LIST-PROCESSING | List processing (LEAVE) | |
LOAD | Load program componentsin internal table | |
LOAD-OF-PROGRAM | Execution at load time | |
LOCAL | Rescue actual parameters of a subroutine | |
LOCAL COPY | Assign local copy to a field symbol | |
LOCALE | Set text environment (SET) | |
SET LOCALE | Set text environment | |
GET LOCALE | Determine text environment | |
LOG | Mathematical function: Natural logarithm (COMPUTE) | |
Logical condition | ||
SELECT ... WHERE | when reading database tables | |
UPDATE ... WHERE | when changing database tables | |
DELETE ... WHERE | when deleting fromdatabase tables | |
SELECT ... FROM ... ON | when reading usinga join | |
LOG10 | Mathematical function: Base 10 logarithm (COMPUTE) | |
LOOP | Loop | |
LT | Relational operator: Less than | |
M | Relational operator: Byte contains zeros and ones | |
MARGIN | List output: Distance from edge (SET) | |
MATCHCODE | Matchcode handling | |
PARAMETERS ... MATCHCODE | for parameters | |
SELECT-OPTIONS ... MATCHCODE | for selection options | |
MAX | Aggregate expression: Maximum (SELECT) | |
MEMORY | ABAP/4 memory | |
EXPORT ... TO MEMORY | Roll out data to memory | |
IMPORT ... FROM MEMORY | Restore data from memory | |
MESSAGE | Output message | |
MESSAGE-ID | Specify message class (REPORT) | |
METHOD | Definition of a method | |
METHODS | Class component method | |
MIN | Aggregate expression: Minimum (SELECT) | |
MOD | Arithmetic operator: Remainder after division | |
(COMPUTE) | ||
MODIFY | Modify tables or objects | |
MODULE | Flow logic: Module | |
MOVE | Assignment | |
MOVE-CORRESPONDING | Component-by-component assignment | |
MULTIPLY | Multiply | |
MULTIPLY-CORRESPONDING | Field string multiplication | |
NA | Relational operator forcharacter comparison: | |
Contains not any characters | ||
NE | Relational operator: Not equal | |
NEW-LINE | List processing: New line | |
NEW-PAGE | List processing: New page | |
NODES | Interface work area forlogical databases | |
NO-GAP | Output format: Leave nogaps (WRITE) | |
NO-HEADING | Display no column headers (NEW-PAGE) | |
NO-SCROLLING | Do not scroll line (NEW-LINE) | |
NO-SIGN | Output format: No preceding signs (WRITE) | |
NO-TITLE | Do not display standardpage header (NEW-PAGE) | |
NO-ZERO | Output format: No leading zeros (WRITE) | |
NON-UNIQUE | Defines an | |
TYPES | internal table type | |
DATA | internal table object | |
NP | Relational operator forcharacter comparison: | |
Does not contain pattern | ||
NS | Relational operator forcharacter comparison: | |
Does not contain character | ||
O | Relational operator: Byte positions occupied by1 | |
OBJECT | External object | |
CREATE OBJECT | Generate | |
FREE OBJECT | Release | |
OCCURS | Defines an | |
TYPES | internal table type | |
DATA | internal table object | |
ON CHANGE | Control break | |
OPEN | Open file/cursor | |
OR | Relational operator: OR | |
ORDER BY | Sort table rows (SELECT) | |
OVERLAY | Overlay character fields | |
PACK | Conversion | |
PARAMETER | Parameter in global SAP memory | |
GET | Read parameter | |
SET | Set parameter | |
PARAMETERS | Define report parameters | |
PERFORM | Execute subroutine | |
PF-STATUS | Set GUI status | |
POSITION | List processing: Defineoutput position | |
PRINT | Print formatting (NEW-PAGE) | |
PRINT-CONTROL | Define print format | |
PRIVATE | Class area not visible from outside | |
PROGRAM | Introduction for type Mand S programs | |
LEAVE PROGRAM | Leave program | |
PROPERTY | Object property | |
GET PROPERTY | Get property | |
SET PROPERTY | Set property | |
PROVIDE | Internal tables: Interval-related processing | |
PUT | Trigger event | |
RAISE | Raise exceptions and events | |
RAISING | Raise error message in function module | |
RANGES | Define internal table for selection criterion | |
READ | Read tables or objects | |
RECEIVE | Receive results (RFC) | |
REFRESH | Delete internal table | |
REFRESH CONTROL | Initialize control | |
REJECT | Do not process current database line further | |
REPLACE | Replace characters | |
REPORT | Introduction for type 1programs | |
DELETE REPORT | Delete program | |
EDITOR-CALL FOR REPORT | Call ABAP program editor | |
INSERT REPORT | Insert program in library | |
READ REPORT | Read program | |
RESERVE | List processing: Conditional new page | |
RESET | Output format: Reset all formats (FORMAT) | |
RIGHT-JUSTIFIED | Output format: Right justified (WRITE) | |
ROLLBACK | Roll back database changes | |
ROUND | Output format: Scaled (WRITE) | |
RTTI | Runtime type identification | |
RUN TIME ANALYZER | Activate/Deactivate runtime analysis (SET) | |
SCAN | Analyze ABAP/4 source code | |
SCREEN | Screen | |
CALL SCREEN | Call screen | |
SET SCREEN | Set next screen | |
LEAVE SCREEN | Leave screen | |
LEAVE TO SCREEN | Branch to a screen | |
LOOP AT SCREEN | Loop through screen fields | |
MODIFY SCREEN | Modify screen fields | |
SCROLL | List processing: Scroll | |
SCROLL-BOUNDARY | List processing: Fix lead columns (SET) | |
SEARCH | Find character | |
SELECT | Read database table | |
SELECT-OPTIONS | Define selection criterion | |
SELECTION-SCREEN | Design selection screen | |
AT SELECTION-SCREENEvent: | After editing ofselection screen | |
SHARED BUFFER | Cross-transaction application buffer | |
DELETE FROM SHARED BUFFER | delete from application buffer | |
EXPORT ... TO SHARED BUFFER | Store data in application buffer | |
IMPORT ... FROM SHARED BUFFER | Read data from application buffer | |
SELECTION-TABLE | Selection table (SUBMIT) | |
SET | Set different processing parameters | |
SHIFT | Move character | |
SIGN | Mathematical function: Sign (COMPUTE) | |
SIN | Mathematical function: Sine (COMPUTE) | |
SINGLE | Select single record (SELECT) | |
SINH | Mathematical function: Hyperbola sine (COMPUTE) | |
SKIP | List processing: Outputblank line | |
SORT | Sort internal table or extract dataset | |
SORTED TABLE | Table type for internaltables that are always kept | |
SPLIT | Split character fields | |
SQRT | Mathematical function: Square root (COMPUTE) | |
STANDARD TABLE | Table type for standardinternal tables | |
START-OF-SELECTION | Event: Before first access to LDB | |
STATICS | Define static data | |
STOP | Stop data selection (LDB) | |
STRING | Data type for variable-length character sequence | |
STRLEN | Character function: Current length (COMPUTE) | |
STRUCTURE | Data structure | |
INCLUDE STRUCTURE | Use structure | |
SUBMIT | Program call | |
SUBTRACT | Subtract | |
SUBTRACT-CORRESPONDING | Field string subtraction | |
SUM | Calculate control total | |
SELECT ... SUM | Aggregate expression: Total | |
SUPPLY | Supply context key fields | |
SUPPRESS DIALOG | Suppress dialog | |
SYMBOL | Output as symbol (WRITE) | |
SYNTAX-CHECK | Syntax check for programs and screens | |
SYNTAX-TRACE | Syntax check log | |
SYSTEM-CALL | Call to various system services | |
SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS | Catch runtime errors (CATCH) | |
TABLE LINE | Unstructured lines in internal tables | |
TABLE_LINE | Unstructured lines in internal tables | |
TABLES | Declare database table | |
TABLE | Set or array operations for database tables | |
DELETE ... FROM TABLE | Delete block of lines | |
INSERT ... FROM TABLE | Insert block of lines | |
MODIFY ... FROM TABLE | Insert/update block of lines | |
UPDATE ... FROM TABLE | Update block of lines | |
SELECT ... INTO TABLE | Copy block of lines to internal table | |
TAN | Mathematical function: Tangent (COMPUTE) | |
TANH | Mathematical function: Hyperbola tangent (COMPUTE) | |
TEXT | Locale-specific | |
CONVERT TEXT | Set format | |
SORT itab AS TEXT | Sort an internal table | |
SORT AS TEXT | Sort an extract dataset | |
TEXTPOOL | Text elements | |
TIME | Time measurement | |
GET RUN TIME | Get runtime | |
GET TIME | Get time | |
SET RUN TIME ANALYZER | Switch runtime analysison/off | |
TIME STAMP | Time stamp | |
GET TIME STAMP | Get time stamp | |
CONVERT TIME STAMP | Convert time stamps to date/time | |
WRITE f TIME ZONE | Output of time stamps to lists | |
TITLEBAR | Set screen title (SET) | |
TOP-OF-PAGE | Event: Top of page handling in lists | |
TRANSACTION | SAP transaction | |
TRANSFER | Output to file | |
TRANSLATE | Character conversion incharacter fields | |
TRANSPORTING | Selective field transport | |
MODIFY ... TRANSPORTING | Modify lines of an internal table | |
READ ... TRANSPORTING | Read lines of an internal table | |
LOOP ... TRANSPORTING | Loop through an internal table | |
TRUNC | Mathematical function: Whole number part (COMPUTE) | |
TYPE | Define a type | |
TYPES ... TYPE | Define a type | |
DATA ... TYPE | Define a field | |
TYPE-POOL | Introduction for type Tprograms | |
TYPE-POOLS | Include type group | |
TYPES | Define types | |
ULINE | List processing: Underscore | |
UNDER | Output format: One under the other (WRITE) | |
UNIQUE | Define an | |
TYPES | internal table type | |
DATA | internal table object | |
UNIT | Output format: Unit (WRITE) | |
UNPACK | Conversion | |
UPDATE | Update database table | |
USER-COMMAND | List processing: Execute command immediately (SET) | |
USING | Use parameter or format | |
USING | Parameter of a subroutine | |
USING EDIT MASK | Output format: Use template (WRITE) | |
VALUE-REQUEST | Self-programmed value help(F4) | |
PARAMETERS ... VALUE-REQUEST | for parameters | |
SELECT-OPTIONS ... VALUE-REQUEST | for selection options | |
WHEN | Case distinction | |
SELECT ... WHERE | when reading from databasetables | |
UPDATE ... WHERE | when changing database tables | |
DELETE ... WHERE | when deleting database tables | |
LOOP AT ... WHERE | when looping at internal tables | |
DELETE ... WHERE | when deleting from internal tables | |
WHILE | Loop | |
WINDOW | List processing: Outputin window | |
WITH-TITLE | Output standard page header (NEW-PAGE) | |
WORK | Processing unit | |
COMMIT WORK | Close unit | |
ROLLBACK WORK | Close unit, but undo changes | |
WRITE | List processing: Output | |
WRITE TO | Correct type output in a variable | |
X | Data type for fixed-length byte sequence | |
XSTRING | Data type for variable-length byte sequence | |
Z | Relational bit operator: Bit positions occupiedby |
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